node.js tool (JavaScript runtime)
Python package manager (Pip Installs Packages)
related to plugins (for Eclipse, Intellij, VSCode, etc.)
executing external programs (ProcessContext)
progressbar to give feedback to user for longer running processing like download or unpack
runtime for python language
Further information is requested
Issue in new state was discussed with the team and is clear
related to release commandlet and releases of IDEasy
Commandlet to clone, build or import git repositories
Marks PRs that have been presented in the sprint-review meeting or that do not need to be presented.
software-configuration-management (github actions, internal processes, git or github utilization)
CVEs or other vulnerabilities
ide-settings repo and replated processes and features
build-in shell with advanced completion
3rd party software (tools)
StatusCommandlet (ide status)
Logging and monitoring of process steps
marks PRs that will be presented in the sprint-review
OS-specific tweaks found in the system folder.
Terraform infrastructure as code tool
related to testing and QA