This documentation provides an overview of all the functions available in the validme
package, categorized into different sections. Each function is described along with its purpose and parameters.
- Name: validme
- GitHub Repository: devnax/validme
- NPM Package: validme
Function | Description | Parameters |
isRequired |
Checks if a value is defined and not empty. | value |
minLength |
Validates that a string's length is at least min . |
value , min |
maxLength |
Validates that a string's length is at most max . |
value , max |
exactLength |
Validates that a string's length matches length . |
value , length |
pattern |
Validates a string against a regex pattern. | value , regex |
Function | Description | Parameters |
isEmail |
Validates an email address. | value |
isURL |
Validates a URL. | value |
isAlpha |
Checks if a string contains only alphabets. | value |
isAlphaNumeric |
Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. | value |
isSlug |
Checks if a string is a valid slug. | value |
isLowercase |
Checks if a string is in lowercase. | value |
isUppercase |
Checks if a string is in uppercase. | value |
isMixedCase |
Checks if a string contains both uppercase and lowercase. | value |
isStrongPassword |
Validates if a string is a strong password. | value |
isMediumPassword |
Validates if a string is a medium-strength password. | value |
Function | Description | Parameters |
isNumeric |
Checks if a value is a number. | value |
isInteger |
Checks if a value is an integer. | value |
isFloat |
Checks if a value is a float. | value |
isPositive |
Checks if a value is positive. | value |
isNegative |
Checks if a value is negative. | value |
minValue |
Validates that a value is at least min . |
value , min |
maxValue |
Validates that a value is at most max . |
value , max |
inRange |
Validates that a value is within a range. | value , min , max |
Function | Description | Parameters |
isValidDate |
Checks if a value is a valid date. | value |
minDate |
Checks if a date is on or after a minimum date. | value , min |
maxDate |
Checks if a date is on or before a maximum date. | value , max |
beforeDate |
Checks if a date is before a specific date. | value , date |
afterDate |
Checks if a date is after a specific date. | value , date |
isTime |
Checks if a value is a valid time format. | value |
isDateTime |
Checks if a value is a valid datetime. | value |
Function | Description | Parameters |
isBoolean |
Checks if a value is a boolean. | value |
Function | Description | Parameters |
minItems |
Validates that an array has at least min items. |
value , min |
maxItems |
Validates that an array has at most max items. |
value , max |
uniqueItems |
Checks if all items in an array are unique. | value |
itemType |
Checks if all items in an array satisfy a type check. | value , typeCheckFn |
Function | Description | Parameters |
hasRequiredKeys |
Checks if an object contains required keys. | obj , keys |
keyType |
Checks if a key in an object matches a type. | obj , key , typeCheckFn |
hasExactKeys |
Checks if an object contains exact keys. | obj , keys |
isEmptyObject |
Checks if an object is empty. | obj |
Function | Description | Parameters |
isFileType |
Checks if a file is of an allowed type. | fileName , extensions |
maxFileSize |
Checks if a file size is below a maximum. | fileSize , max |
minFileSize |
Checks if a file size is above a minimum. | fileSize , min |
Function | Description | Parameters |
isCreditCard |
Validates a credit card number. | value |
isUUID |
Validates a UUID. | value |
isIPAddress |
Validates an IP address. | value |
isMACAddress |
Validates a MAC address. | value |
isJSON |
Checks if a value is valid JSON. | value |
isHexadecimal |
Validates a hexadecimal string. | value |
isBase64 |
Validates a Base64-encoded string. | value |