You can contribute to the project with issues and PRs. Simply filing issues for problems you encounter is a great way to contribute. Contributing implementations is greatly appreciated.
Is this a question, or are you looking for help? Ask it in the project's Discussions tab instead, if available.
Did you search the issues list to see if someone already reported it? When looking for duplicates, make sure to look through open and closed issues.
Did you create a simple repro for the problem? We won't look at your bug until you provide a repro project or complete repro steps.
- Did you ensure there is a corresponding issue labelled as 🟢 help wanted? If not, please open one to start the discussion.
- Does the code follow existing coding styles? (spaces, comments, no regions, etc.)?
We enforce the basic styles by running
dotnet format
on the repository root. You can do the same before submitting a PR to speed up the process. - Did you write unit tests? Typically required if there are other unit tests for existing or related code.
Look at the repo issues labelled as 🟢 help wanted and 🟣 good first issue to find something to contribute!
You must sign the Contribution License Agreement (CLA) before your PR will be merged. This is a one-time requirement for projects in the Devlooped organization. You can read more about Contribution License Agreements (CLA) on Wikipedia.
You don't have to do this up-front. You can simply clone, fork, and submit your pull-request as usual. When your pull-request is created, it is classified by a CLA bot, which will let you know if signing is pending.