- DC Vol: 10-40V
- Continous Current: 20A
- Pwm/Dir
- Analog (Protentionmeter)/Dir
- Uart Network
- Rc Signal.
- Over Voltage, Under Voltage , Over Temperature.
- Short circuit, Over current.
- Current Limit as Switch Limit (don't accept go more to that Dir when the current touch to the Limit). Setting by hardware.
- Accept a Acceleration setting by hardware.
- Bidirectional power supply input (I am note sure, need to test with height load)
+RC tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utTi0awlUzg
Use "msd_pulse_module.ino" to control motor. This code used for controlling multiple motors with arduino board. The motor will run follow the signal of Pulse and Direct Pin.
- The Direct Pin indicate the rotation direction that rotating clockwise or counterclockwise.
- The motor will move a radian with per rising edge on Pulse pin.
- Define parameter of driver.
- MSD_NUMBER: Number of motor need control.
- MSD_PPR: Number pulse per revolution. Set the parameter same the value of the motor driver.
- Attach Direct and Pulse pin for per motor.
- Use MSD_AttachPin(char motorIndex, char dirPin, char pulsePin) function.
- Example:
- Set up Motor index 0 with Direct pin is 2 and Pulse pin is 3 => MSD_AttachPin(0, 2, 3);
- Init configure for previously attached pín and Init timer interrupt.
- Use MSD_Init();
- Set the value that the motor will run.
- Use MSD_SetValue(double position, double velocity, double acer, char msdChanel) function:
- position: The distance motor run (rad)
- velocity: max speed motor run (rad/s)
- acer: accelerate of motor (rad/s)
- msdChanel: motor index.
- Example:
- The motor rotate 100 revolution => 100*6.28319 = 628.319 rad => position = 628.319 (rad).
- Max speed is 100 rad/s => velocity = 100 (rad/s).
- Accelrate is 10 rad/s => acer = 10(rad/s)
- Motor index is 0 => MSD_SetValue(628.319, 100, 10, 0);
- Run motor
- Use MSD_StartAll() function if you want to run all motor.
- Use MSD_StartAt(char index) function if you just want to run a motor. Note:
- Use MSD_StopAll() or MSD_StopAt(char index) if yot want stop motor when it 's running.