references for linux admin and development
- csharp
- shell
- development tools
- c++
- database
- webdevel
- electronics
- general development
- gis
- math
- networking
- python
- linux
- security
- mobile native
- tools
- media
- language notes
- send email 465
- psql ef codefirst
- dotnet scripts
- member not null
- task programming
- dotnet core
- publish self contained
dotnet publish -c Release --runtime linux-x64 --sc
- dotnet3 and 5 on ubuntu20.04
- dotnet6 and 7 on ubuntu24.04
- netcore csproj ( generate doc, copy to output, define macro, exclude files from compile, disable warnings )
- netcore platform environment ( os type, debug macro )
- asp net core
- dotnet sdks - installers
- dotnet cmdline
- dotnet core unix interop
- dotnet gui
- uno
- avalonia
- dotnet netcorestandard testunit
- troubleshoot
- view version of dll
exiftool file.dll | grep 'Product Version'
- publish self contained
- regex
- csharp to typescript
- xlsx finalize worksheet freeze columns
- wpf
- tuple value read write
- read from special serial ttyACM cdc type
- trap ctrl+c
- c# coding standards
- opengl
- user secrets
- bash
- executing dir in bash script
exdir=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE"))
- text screencast
- find files sorted by size
find -type f -name "*.pdf" -printf '%s\t%p\n' | sort -nr | less
- linux scripts
- trap control+c
- function arguments expansion
- formatted print
- diff huge files
- find xargs and exec
- get file size
- file age sec
- elapsed seconds date
- terminal color
- escape html
- uri encode
- jq json tool
- ensure kill process
- ls in mb
ls -la --block-size=MB
- monitor progress of pipe
cat /dev/random | pv > /dev/null
- sed
- replace newline
- skip first line
cat file | sed -n '1d;p'
- skip line range
sed A,Bd file
( skip lines with index range [A,B] ) - delete empty lines
cat file | sed -r '/^\s*$/d'
- time
TZ=GMT date +@GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S
- time from unixtime
date -d @VALUE
- show dialog notification
notify-send title msg
- short uuid
- opensource dev
- git
- run github action workflows locally
- fast gui diff
fldiff file1 file2
- api docfx
- mono
- perf
- dotnet trace
- trace x11 (
xtrace -n cmd args
- vscode
- gnome development
- nuget
- linux-install
- local packages
- troubleshoot
- msbuild:
dotnet msbuild
- search pkgs command line
- docx documentation generator
- librecalc
- dump c++ symbols from .so lib
nm -gDC
- graphics
- gnuplot
- debug opengl programs
apt install renderdoc
- get PID from window
xprop | awk '/PID/ {print $3}'
- limit cpu
apt install cpulimit ; cpulimit -p PID -l 5
( limit process PID to 5% )
- create db server using docker
- postgres
- create psql container
- backup restore
- password in file
- select datetime timezone
- pgadmin install
docker run --restart=unless-stopped --name=pgadmin -p 8080:80 -e 'PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=email' -e 'PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=pass' -d dpage/pgadmin4
- index array
- sequence schema
- create db and assign user
- mssql
- diagramming schema
- entity framework
- odata
- ts hello world
- javascript/jquery
- bootstrap css
- sandbox repro
- chrome
- imagemap ( just use gimp Filters/Web/Imagemap )
- grunt troubleshoot
- npm
- typescript
- create console app
- support for optional chaining conditional
operator (upgradereact-scripts
) - troubleshoot
- react / material.ui ( typescript )
- create react typescript
npm create vite@latest test-app -- --template react-ts
- app skeleton and global states
- create react library useHook error
- resposive drawer with styles and theme
- common styles combined
- create react typescript
- arduino
- vscode arduino
- vscode arduino platformio
- vscode arduino nano platformio
- arduino on atmega8
- atmega power save
- arduino examine elf
- esp8266 board plugin ( use
for development ) - esp8266 twi arduino nano problems
- esp8266 tips
- serial baud rate
- stm32
- schematics and pcb editor
- circuit simulator
- pcb etching
- transistor biasing
- measure usb cable resistance
- UM34C linux log
- 3d print tips
- get current public ip address
curl -s
- netplan yaml ref
- ubuntu desktop disable network manager
- ssh
- send a tcp packet
echo sample | nc 1000
- test tcp port
echo "test" | netcat -w 5 -W 1 host port ; if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "OK"; else echo "UNREACHABLE"; fi
- test webapi
- send simple message over udp
- send email
- nginx
- wireshark
- https proxy sniffer
- xrdp remmina
- zimbra
- mobile server
- samba
- get ip from netbios name
nmblookup <name>
- scan netbios name in net
nbtscan <netaddr>
- get ip from netbios name
- monitor interfaces bandwidth
bmon -p eth0,eth1
ornload -m
- quick list interface addresses
ip -br a
- ethernet cabling T568A T568B
- scan hostnames
nmap -sn addr/mask
- bluetooth
- tcpdump
- cert fingerprint
- retrieve bandwidth utilization continously for given interface with
ifstat -i devname
- download remote http folder
wget -r --no-parent URL
- plotting
- calc
- server
- quick and dirty virtualized vlan os install notes
- quick and dirty os install notes
- prevent unattended upgrades
- resize lvm cache in favor of swap partition
- ubuntu server post install
- custom boot script
- disable sleep
- systemd services
- zfs
- how much is wear ssd
- netfilter
- self signed cert
- log errors paged
journalctl -xe --pager
- crontab
- wake-on-lan
- test cpu speed
apt install sysbench ; sysbench cpu run
then see events per seconds ( higher better ) - detached screen
- nfs4 acl
- kde
- gnome
- shell extension with bash
- fix sort icon direction
- custom open with
- desktop icons
- gnome bookmarks
- reload shell with top panel
killall gnome-shell
- always on top
apt install compiz-plugins
- chrome freeze when attach files ( could try
apt install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
to change file dialog )
- devices
- kubuntu enable touchpad tapping
- udev rules
- nautilus file manager folder right click -> open in terminal
apt install nautilus-open-terminal
- hardware inventory
- log
- tail generic color
- colourized log
grc --colour=on tail -f /var/log/syslog
- grep only in file pattern
grep -r --include="*.EXT" <search-string> <beginpath>
- tail grep continous
- force log rotate
- remotely assist linux can't boot
- ubuntu pendrive custom kernel arg
- flash win bootable pendrive
- monitor disk temperature
- tune inotify watches
- disable oom killer
- fix dual boot
- su with sudo colorful prompt
- i18n decimal separator dot
- draftsight open dxf
- packages
- packages build dep
- retrieve package source
- modify deb package dependencies
- upgrade single package
apt-get install --only-upgrade package
- retrieve list of upgradable packages
apt list --upgradable
- retrieve version current and older
apt-cache policy package
- install old version
apt-get install package=version
- processes
- show process memory graph
smem --pie=name
- process management
- autorespawn process using supervisor
- show memoy usage
smem --pie name -s rss
- show process memory graph
- ubuntu tune
- locale and timezone
- kubuntu 22.04
- ubuntu 22.04 tune
- ubuntu 20.04 tuf gx505
- ubuntu 20.04 asus P2550
- disable tracker miner
- ubuntu 19.04
- ubuntu 18.04
- directory color on dark theme, set
withexport LS_COLORS='di=0;34:ow=1;34'
- virtualization
- virsh storage
- virsh tips and backup
- virtualbox
- set virtualbox guest motherboard-cpu-id
- copy qcow2 over network
rsync -Szv --progress src.qcow2 dst:folder
- remove desktop
- fix
Authentication Required to Create Managed Color Device
- fix
- rsyslog strip
- devices
- disks
- raid
- loopback devices
- monitor disks activity
iostat -dx 5
or for device (mb/s)iostat -sm -p /dev/DEVICE 1
- create bootable iso
- force reread partition :
partprobe <device>
- create uefi usb from iso
- encrypt disk
- selfcheck disk health
- disk space analyzer
apt install baobab
- compare two directories
diff -rq DIR1 DIR2
- docker containers
- docker xwindows
- modify created docker env
- docker buildx
- docker registry
- docker without iptables
- docker backup
- show layer commands
- doc not included ( see
) - test swap memory
- scripts ( dk-id, dk-purge-log, dk-net, ... )
- add xrdp to docker container
- btrfs tools
- tail log continously
docker logs -f CONTAINER | grep --line-buffered -ia WORD
- run gitlab ci from terminal
- battery nfo
- nextcloud
- fonts
- general
- gpg
- iptables firewall
- generate htpasswd
- cert management
- id_rsa
- ssh client alive
- upgrade letsencrypt
apt upgrade certbot python3-acme
- fail2ban
- cygwin install
- win10 quick assist
- drawings
- document
- translator
- xlsx
- nano editor
- github latex math
- hex editor : bless
- markdown refs
- markdown toc
- markdown to pdf
- markdown server
- useful unicode
- google drive direct link
- editing
- pdf edit inking
apt install xournal
- pdf join into single page
- convert jpg to pdf
convert *.jpg -auto-orient out.pdf
- pdf edit inking
- sound
- console player
apt install mocp
- console player
- tv
- kaffeine
apt install kaffine w-scan
- kaffeine
- graphics
- test 3d working
- qrcode
- screen cast gif
- freecad
- image info
identify image.jpg
- crop image
convert input.jpg -crop wxh+x+y out.jpg
- resize image
- video transcoding
- remove image exif
- grab screen to image
- ubuntu cast to chromecst
apt install mkchromecast
- show opengl limits
glxinfo -l
- compare two images
compare -metric AE image1.png image2.png diffout.png
- create favicon
- misc