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129 lines (87 loc) · 3.79 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (87 loc) · 3.79 KB

Go program to collect system stats from IoT devices and save into postgres Database.

Windows not supported
  • Integrated Grafana and PostgreSQL via Docker for efficient data storage and real-time monitoring.
  • Ensured data integrity and concurrency using Mutex and Goroutines.
  • Leveraged pgx for optimized PostgreSQL connectivity.

Grafana dashboard


Section 1 : Docker

  1. Install Docker and if you are new to dockere use this guide
  2. make a directry and cd into it via terminal and clone the repo into it via following command
git clone
  1. create a .env file for login credentials and setting paths, Guide

  2. now run " docker compose up -d " (only for first time later use docker compose start)

docker compose up -d : to create and start container(s) as background processes   
and you get your terminal back.

docker compose down : stop and delete container(s)

docker compose start : to start existing container(s)

docker compose stop : to pause the running container(s)

  1. open a new tab in terminal and run "docker exec -it postgres bash "
    to start an interactive shell session inside the running "postgres" container.

Interactive Shell

  1. now type "psql -d POSTGRES_DB -U POSTGRES_USER -W " , replace the placeholders with what you have
    filled in .env file , now you are in that database .

  2. type "\d+ telemetry.*;" to see if the schema.sql was processed during first-time postgress
    execution or not .

show schema

if the output matchs schema file , go ahead else run "docker compose down" and start again

on firs run grafana container extis automatically(a bug ), run it again via desktop appllication or cli

8.(A) Viper configuraton repo link

  • cd into server folder
makedir -p local/.config
  • cd into config
vim config.json or your favourite editor
  • copy the block and edit values as from user to dbname as per your .env file
    "postgresDB": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": "5432",
        "user": "xyz",
        "password": "xyz",
        "dbname": "xyz" ,
        "sslmode": "disable"
  • save file

  • CD into client folder

  • perform same task but for this config.json copy below block and change xyz to your server IP.

    "baseURL": "http://xyz:8080"
  1. (B) If you want to test the program on same system
    • open a new terminal tab and run "air" in sever folder
    • run "go run main.go" in client folder tab .

If all goes right you will see output in both tabs similar to this.

server client

  1. Go back to postgres tab in terminal and run

"select * from telemetry.devices;" : you will see system info "select * from telemetry.metrics_new order by timestamp desc ; " : you will latest entries as per UTC.

to watch entries in your time-zone for example IST, you can try following sql queries

SELECT *, timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' + INTERVAL '5 hours 30 minutes' AS Indian_timestamp
FROM telemetry.metrics_new
ORDER BY Indian_timestamp DESC;


SELECT *, timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Kolkata' AS ist_timestamp
FROM telemetry.metrics_new
ORDER BY ist_timestamp DESC;

Resources for Grafana :
