Contributing to leetcode
Thank you for considering contributing to [Your Repository Name]! We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and grow this project. To get started, please follow the guidelines below.
- Make sure you have a GitHub account if you don't already.
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork button at the top right of this page.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b my-new-branch
Make your changes to the project and commit them. Please follow the commit message guidelines.
Push your changes to GitHub:
git push origin my-new-branch
Open a pull request in this repository by clicking the Pull Request button at the top right of this page.
Wait for your pull request to be reviewed and merged.
- feat: Use when adding new features or problems.
- fix: Use when fixing bugs.
- refactor: Use when refactoring code or making improvements.
- docs: Use when updating documentation.
- test: Use when adding or modifying tests.
- chore: Use for routine tasks, maintenance, or non-code changes.
Provide a concise description of the change, starting with a verb in the imperative mood (e.g., "Add solution for problem XYZ," "Fix issue with ABC").
Include a more detailed explanation if the brief description is not sufficient. Describe the problem, solution, and relevant context. You can use bullet points or paragraphs for clarity.
- Reference related issues or pull requests using
Closes #issue-number
orFixes #issue-number
to automatically close them when the commit is merged. - Include any breaking changes or important information for other contributors.
Adding a new LeetCode problem:
feat: Add solution for problem 123
Fixing a bug in an existing solution:
Correct an edge case handling bug in the Python solution. Fixes #456
fix: Fix issue with solution for problem 456
Refactoring an existing solution:
Simplify algorithm logic for problem 789.
Enhance code comments for clarity.
refactor: Improve code structure in solution for problem 789
Updating documentation:
docs: Update README with instructions for contributions
Note: For more information on commit message guidelines, see conventionalcommits.
Browse through the existing sections in the repository to find the topic or category where you'd like to contribute.
If you're adding a new problem, make sure it's not already in the repository to avoid duplicates. If it's not already in the repository, create a new folder with a file inside it. The file should contain a brief description of the problem, a link to the problem on LeetCode, and a link to the solution.
Create a new directory under the appropriate section for your problem (e.g., arrays, strings, trees, etc.).
Add your problem's code in a language-specific subdirectory within the problem's directory (e.g., python, java, cpp, etc.).
Include a clear and concise solution description in Markdown format. You can create a separate Markdown file within the problem's directory or add it as comments in your code.
Ensure your code follows the coding conventions and style guide of the repository.