super is called inside a react component only if it has a constructor. For example the below code doesn't require super
class App extends React.component {
return <div>Hello { }</div>; }
// However if we have a constructor then super() is mandatory
class App extends React.component {
console.log(this) //Error: 'this' is not allowed before super() }
The reason why this cannot be allowed before super() is because this is uninitialized if super() is not called. However even if we are not using this
we need a super inside a constructor because ES6 class constructors MUST call super if they are subclasses. Thus, you have to call super() as long as you have a constructor. (But a subclass does not have to have a constructor).
class App extends React.component{
console.log(this.props); // prints out whatever is inside props }