RB Kart is a merchandise e-commerce app.
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- Mockbee (for mock backend)
This e-commerce app contains following features:
- Home page
- This page has a caraousel of images
- This also has different genre/CAtegory on which if user click then user will be send to a product listing page which will have products related to that genre/category
- ProductListing
- It shows all the products related to on category on which user clicked when on home page
- This page also has filters which lets user filter products based on rating, type of product and sort by price
- Filters & Sorting
- Clear all feature
- Filter by rating
- Filter by category
- Sort by price
- Search Functionality
- This features lets user search for products, if the product's title match with search term user will get the result
- cart Management
- This feature lets user see what products they have added to their cart and also lets them increase and decrease qty.
- There is also feature which lets you move product added to cart to move to wihlist
- There is also a feature to remove item from cart
- Wishlist Management
- This feature lets user manage items in wishlist
- It also lets user add product to cart and if user clicks it more than once then that product is added to cart and its qty is also increased in cart
- It is also having a feature to let user remove products from wishlist
- Product details page
- This is a page where user will be shown details of only one product on which useer has clicked while being on product listing page
- this also has buttons for Adding to cart and to add to wishlist
- 404 page
- When user goes on any route which is not there in the app, this will show a 404 page