Curated resources list for Perl 5 and Perl 6.
Get Perl for your OS from official website:
Read this article on spotting good and modern Perl tutorial before starting your journey
Remember to add these lines at beginning of your Perl scripts, if they are not mentioned in any of these tutorials
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
- Perldoc
- simple and concise intro - color formatted code makes for easier reading online
- in-depth tutorials - categorized by different topics and features
- perlmaven
- text tutorial - color formatted code makes for easier reading online
- video tutorial on youtube
- modernperl
- online text - code formatted, but not colored
- book and pdf(free) versions
- Perl for newbies - color formatted code makes for easier reading online
- perlmeme - FAQs, HOWTOs and TUTORIALs(working example code of various tasks in Perl like parsing CSV/HTML, creating web form, connecting to database, etc)
- guru99 - color formatted code makes for easier reading online, and includes images/memes for better visualization
- Guide to regular expressions from Perldoc site
- Handy Perl regular expressions
- Practice and general regex tutorials (i.e they may not be Perl specific)
- online regex tester - has an option for PCRE, shows explanations, has reference guides and ability to save and share regex
- regex FAQ on SO
- regexcrossword - practice by solving crosswords, read 'How to play' section before you start
- Lots and lots of snippets/solutions of programming problems
- Perl one-liners
- stackoverflow: Perl Q&A
- Practice and Coding Challenges
- awesome-perl - curated list of awesome Perl5 frameworks, libraries and software
- zeef-perl - another curated list of Perl resources
- bioperl - practical descriptions of BioPerl modules
- hyperpolyglot - side-by-side reference sheet for PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby
- perltuts - run Perl code online, Perl 6 version available as well
- also has an interactive tutorial
- stackoverflow: interactive console for Perl
- official site - all about Perl 6
- learnxinyminutes - perl6
- What is Perl 5 and Perl 6? - also has links to Perl 6 resources
- perl6 faq
- perl6 on stackoverflow
- Perl 6 at a Glance book