This project is an API for a simple blog post system, built using laravel and tested using phpUnit. Below are the requirements to get this project up and running on your computer and a guide on how to access the API documentation
Before you begin, you would need to double check that you have the following:
- You have installed PHP 8.0 or later
- You have installed Composer
- You have a MySQL database server running
Follow these steps to get your development environment set up:
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd blog-test
- Install dependencies
composer install
- Create a copy of the .env file
cp .env.example .env
- Generate an app encryption key
php artisan key:generate
- Configure your database in the .env file
- Run database migrations
php artisan migrate
- Seed the database
php artisan db:seed
Note: The Default Admin user is and password for all users is "password"
Email: Password: password
- (optional) Add configuration cron to your server (If you are hosting this project)
This will run the scheduled task to publish all scheduled posts every minute
* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
- Run the project
php artisan serve
The project is running at http://localhost:800
Visit the api documentation at http://localhost:800/api/documentation
Login to default admin user accoun to get access token
Make a POST request to http://localhost:800/api/auth/login The Login request object should contain the email and password :
email: password: password
Some additional commands you might need working on the project
php artisan test
To view scheduled posts, run:
php artisan schedule:list
To run the schedular localy, run:
php artisan schedule:work
To run the Schedular:
php artisan schedule:run
To view the documentation of the API's of this project, you would need to start the project and vist the route.
For exmaple: https://localhost:8000/api/documentation
The API Documentation was done using OpenAPI (Swagger)
POST api/auth/login .................................. login › Api\AuthController@login
POST api/auth/logout ........................................ Api\AuthController@logout
GET|HEAD api/documentation l5-swagger.default.api › L5Swagger\Http › SwaggerController@api
GET|HEAD api/oauth2-callback l5-swagger.default.oauth2_callback › L5Swagger\Http › Swagger…
POST api/v1/admin/authors ............................... Api\V1\AuthorController@store
GET|HEAD api/v1/admin/posts ................................... Api\V1\PostController@index
POST api/v1/admin/posts ................................... Api\V1\PostController@store
GET|HEAD api/v1/admin/posts/status/{status} ............. Api\V1\PostController@getByStatus
PUT api/v1/admin/posts/{id} ............................. Api\V1\PostController@update
DELETE api/v1/admin/posts/{id} ............................ Api\V1\PostController@destroy
POST api/v1/admin/posts/{id}/publish .................... Api\V1\PostController@publish
POST api/v1/admin/posts/{id}/schedule .................. Api\V1\PostController@schedule
POST api/v1/admin/posts/{id}/unpublish ................ Api\V1\PostController@unpublish
GET|HEAD api/v1/admin/users ..................... users.index › Api\V1\UserController@index
POST api/v1/admin/users ..................... › Api\V1\UserController@store
GET|HEAD api/v1/admin/users/{user} ................ › Api\V1\UserController@show
PUT|PATCH api/v1/admin/users/{user} ............ users.update › Api\V1\UserController@update
DELETE api/v1/admin/users/{user} .......... users.destroy › Api\V1\UserController@destroy
GET|HEAD api/v1/posts ......................................... Api\V1\PostController@index
GET|HEAD api/v1/posts/author/{userId} ................... Api\V1\PostController@getByAuthor
GET|HEAD api/v1/posts/search ................................. Api\V1\PostController@search
GET|HEAD api/v1/posts/{id} ..................................... Api\V1\PostController@show
GET|HEAD api/v1/posts/{id}/comments ..................... Api\V1\PostController@getComments
Here's how to run this project using Docker
You will need to run:
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose exec app composer install
Add the following to the .env file:
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
docker-compose exec app php artisan db:seed
Visit http://localhost:8000
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