Helpful interfaces for interfacing go packages that use cgo.
This is a small package that contains types, methods and interfaces I seemed to use over and over again to allow go packages that contained c libraries interface with each other easier.
This is not a fix all to go's unexported use of c types. Each package that uses cgo will still have to do type casting where it is needed.
A brief cudnnActivationForward takes a void pointer for alpha and beta, but they need to be the same type(for the most part) as the tensors x and y. xD and yD are both tensor descriptors that contain information on the memory of x and y. The function cscalarbydatatype takes a float64 (alpha and beta) and converts it to a CScalar (a1 and b) of the type that is compatable with cudnnActivationForward(). x and y where allocated by another package, but where able to be used by GoCudnn through the Mem interface.
func (a *ActivationD) Forward(handle *Handle,
alpha float64,
xD *TensorD, x cutil.Mem,
beta float64,
yD *TensorD, y cutil.Mem),
error {
a1 := cscalarbydatatype(yD.dtype, alpha)
b := cscalarbydatatype(yD.dtype, beta)
return Status(
func cscalarbydatatype(dtype DataType, num float64) ctype.CScalar {
var x DataType
switch dtype {
case x.Double():
return cutil.CDouble(num)
case x.Float():
return cutil.CFloat(num)
case x.Half():
y := float32(num)
return cutil.CFloat(y)
return nil
I will add to this library where it is needed.