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React hooks for constructing search boxes with filters, using callbacks.


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React Search Box Hooks

This library provides a set of React hooks to construct search boxes for your application.


To install the package, use:

npm i react-search-box-hooks


yarn add react-search-box-hooks


The library provides two hooks: useSearchBox and useSearchBoxInput.


The useSearchBox hook provides a state object and an action to update the search parameters, and a method to query the data. It requires two parameters:

  • queryFunc: The function to query the data. It takes a single argument, the search parameters object, and returns a Promise that resolves to an array of search results and the total number of search results.
  • initParams: The initial search parameters object.

The useSearchBox hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • items: The array of search results.
  • totalCount: The total number of search results.
  • isLoading: A boolean value indicating whether the search is in progress.
  • params: The search parameters object.
  • dispatchParams: An action to update the search parameters.

Example of usage

function MyComponent() {
  const queryFunc = useCallback((params) => {
    const items = []
    const totalCount = items.length
    resolve([items, totalCount]);
  }, []);

  const { items, totalCount, isLoading, params, dispatchParams } = useSearchBox(queryFunc, { count: 0 });

  const onInc = useCallback(() => {
    dispatchParams({ key: "count", value: params.count + 1 });
  }, [dispatchParams, params]);

  // render the search box UI
Edit react-search-box-hooks-useSearchBox-demo


The useSearchBoxInput hook provides handlers for the search box input field. It requires three parameters:

  • dispatchParams: An action to update the search parameters.
  • paramKey: The key of the search parameter to update.
  • debounceTimeout: The debounce timeout value in milliseconds.

The useSearchBoxInput hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • ref: A ref to the input element.
  • onInput: A handler for the input event.
  • onChange: A handler for the change event.
  • onClear: A handler for the clear button event.
  • isClearable: A boolean value indicating whether the clear button should be shown.

Example of usage

function MyComponent() {
  const queryFunc = useCallback((params) => {
    const items = Array.from(params.query || "");
    return [items, items.length];
  }, []);

  const { items, totalCount, isLoading, params, dispatchParams } = useSearchBox(queryFunc, { query: 'search-box-hooks' });

  const { ref, onInput, onChange, onClear, isClearable } = useSearchBoxInput( dispatchParams, "query" );

  return (
            {...{ ref, onInput, onChange }}
        {isClearable && <button onClick={onClear}>clear</button>}

        {/* the search box UI */}
Edit react-search-box-hooks-useSearchBoxInput-demo


Contributions are welcome. To contribute, fork the repository, create a branch for your changes, and submit a pull request. Please make sure that your changes are covered by tests and that the existing tests pass.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.