This repo is part of the bundle.
k8s-create-eks-fargate | scripts to create Kubernetes cluster on EKS with Fargate |
k8s-create-flux-cd | scripts to setup GitOps with FluxCD |
k8s-microservices-app | sample two microservices to be deployed into cluster |
k8s-microservices-app-infra | infrastructure manifest files for two microservices app |
- Node Version >= v14.2.0
- Kubectl Version >= v1.23
- Kubernetes Version >= v1.22
Microservices can be run in parallel with npm start
They run on different ports.
Two endpoints are created to demonstrate the interaction between these two mircoservices.
First microservice access the data from the second microservice. It combines it with it's own data and then returns that as a response.
Make sure Minikube(or Kind) is running in the background.
Switch to k8s-microservices-app-infra directory and run:
kubectl apply -k deploy/overlay/staging && kubectl apply -k deploy/overlay/production
This will deploy microservices into cluster under production and staging namespaces.
They can be accessed by running:
Microservice one:
minikube service microservice-one-service-name-staging --url -n staging
minikube service microservice-one-service-name-staging --url -n production
Microservice two:
minikube service microservice-one-service-name-staging --url -n staging
minikube service microservice-one-service-name-staging --url -n production