+-- name |
+-- description |
+-- default |
+-- active |
+-- boolean, if true starts the timer updating |
+-- true |
+-- updateTime |
+-- How often should the gauge autoupdate? Milliseconds |
+-- 333 |
+-- currentVariable |
+-- What variable will hold the 'current' value of the gauge? Pass the name as a string, IE "currentHP" or "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp" |
+-- "" |
+-- maxVariable |
+-- What variable will hold the 'current' value of the gauge? Pass the name as a string, IE "maxHP" or "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp" |
+-- "" |
+-- textTemplate |
+-- Template to use for the text on the gauge. "|c" replaced with current value, "|m" replaced with max value, "|p" replaced with the % full the gauge should be |
+-- " |c/|m |p%" |
+-- defaultCurrent |
+-- What value to use if the currentVariable points to nil or something which cannot be made a number? |
+-- 50 |
+-- defaultMax |
+-- What value to use if the maxVariable points to nil or something which cannot be made a number? |
+-- 100 |
+--@param parent The Geyser container for this gauge
+--@usage local SUG = require("MDK-1.sug") --the following will watch "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp" and "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp" and update itself every 333 milliseconds
+-- myGauge = SUG:new({
+-- name = "myGauge",
+-- currentVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", --if this is nil, it will use the defaultCurrent of 50
+-- maxVariable = "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp", --if this is nil, it will use the defaultMax of 100.
+-- height = 50,
+-- })
+function SUG:new(cons, container)
+ local funcName = "SUG:new(cons, container)"
+ cons = cons or {}
+ local consType = type(cons)
+ assert(consType == "table", string.format("%s: cons as table expected, got %s", funcName, consType))
+ local me = SUG.parent:new(cons, container)
+ setmetatable(me, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ -- apply any styling requested
+ if me.cssFront then
+ if not me.cssBack then
+ me.cssBack = me.cssFront .. "background-color: black;"
+ end
+ me:setStyleSheet(me.cssFront, me.cssBack, me.cssText)
+ end
+ if me.active then me:start() end
+ return me
+-- internal function, recursively digs for a value within subtables if possible
+local function digForValue(dataFrom, tableTo)
+ if digForValue == nil or table.size(tableTo) == 0 then
+ return dataFrom
+ else
+ local newData = dataFrom[tableTo[1]]
+ table.remove(tableTo, 1)
+ return digForValue(newData, tableTo)
+ end
+-- Internal function, used to turn a string variable name into a value
+local function getValueAt(accessString)
+ if accessString == "" then return nil end
+ local tempTable = accessString:split("%.")
+ local accessTable = {}
+ for i,v in ipairs(tempTable) do
+ if tonumber(v) then
+ accessTable[i] = tonumber(v)
+ else
+ accessTable[i] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return digForValue(_G, accessTable)
+--- Set the name of the variable the Self Updating Gauge watches for the 'current' value of the gauge
+--@tparam string variableName The name of the variable to get the current value for the gauge. For instance "currentHP", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp" etc
+function SUG:setCurrentVariable(variableName)
+ local nameType = type(variableName)
+ local funcName = "SUG:setCurrentVariable(variableName)"
+ assert(nameType == "string", string.format("%s: variableName as string expected, got: %s",funcName, nameType))
+ local val = getValueAt(variableName)
+ local valType = type(tonumber(val))
+ assert(valType == "number", string.format("%s: variableName must point to a variable which is a number or coercable into one. %s points to a %s", funcName, variableName, type(val)))
+ self.currentVariable = variableName
+ self:update()
+--- Set the name of the variable the Self Updating Gauge watches for the 'max' value of the gauge
+--@tparam string variableName The name of the variable to get the max value for the gauge. For instance "maxHP", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp" etc. Set to "" to only check the current value
+function SUG:setMaxVariable(variableName)
+ if variableName == "" then
+ self.maxVariable = variableName
+ self:update()
+ return
+ end
+ local nameType = type(variableName)
+ local funcName = "SUG:setMaxVariable(variableName)"
+ assert(nameType == "string", string.format("%s: variableName as string expected, got: %s",funcName, nameType))
+ local val = getValueAt(variableName)
+ local valType = type(tonumber(val))
+ assert(valType == "number", string.format("%s: variableName must point to a variable which is a number or coercable into one. %s points to a %s", funcName, variableName, type(val)))
+ self.maxVariable = variableName
+ self:update()
+--- Set the template for the Self Updating Gauge to set the text with. "|c" is replaced by the current value, "|m" is replaced by the max value, and "|p" is replaced by the percentage current/max
+--@tparam string template The template to use for the text on the gauge. If the max value is 200 and current is 68, then |c will be replace by 68, |m replaced by 200, and |p replaced by 34.
+function SUG:setTextTemplate(template)
+ local templateType = type(template)
+ local funcName = "SUG:setTextTemplate(template)"
+ assert(templateType == "string", string.format("%s: template as string expected, got %s", funcName, templateType))
+ self.textTemplate = template
+ self:update()
+--- Stops the Self Updating Gauge from updating
+function SUG:stop()
+ self.active = false
+ if self.timer then
+ killTimer(self.timer)
+ self.timer = nil
+ end
+--- Starts the Self Updating Gauge updating. If it is already updating, it will restart it.
+function SUG:start()
+ SUG:stop()
+ self.active = true
+ self.timer = tempTimer(self.updateTime / 1000, function() self:update() end, true)
+--- Reads the values from currentVariable and maxVariable, and updates the gauge's value and text.
+function SUG:update()
+ local current = getValueAt(self.currentVariable)
+ local max = getValueAt(self.maxVariable)
+ current = tonumber(current)
+ max = tonumber(max)
+ if current == nil then
+ current = self.defaultCurrent
+ debugc(string.format("Self Updating Gauge named %s is trying to update with an invalid current value. Using the defaultCurrent instead. currentVariable: '%s' maxVariable: '%s'", self.name, self.currentVariable, self.maxVariable))
+ end
+ if max == nil then
+ max = self.defaultMax
+ if self.maxVariable ~= "" then
+ debugc(string.format("Self Updating Gauge named %s is trying to update with an invalid max value. Using the defaultCurrent instead. currentVariable: '%s' maxVariable: '%s'", self.name, self.currentVariable, self.maxVariable))
+ end
+ end
+ local text = self.textTemplate
+ local percent = math.floor((current / max * 100) + 0.5)
+ text = text:gsub("|c", current)
+ text = text:gsub("|m", max)
+ text = text:gsub("|p", percent)
+ self:setValue(current, max, text)
+SUG.parent = Geyser.Gauge
+setmetatable(SUG, Geyser.Gauge)
+return SUG
diff --git a/src/scripts/MDKExample/Example.lua b/src/scripts/MDKExample/Example.lua
index 61ca6df..1b3c197 100644
--- a/src/scripts/MDKExample/Example.lua
+++ b/src/scripts/MDKExample/Example.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-MDKExample = MDKExample or { version = "1.0.8" }
+MDKExample = MDKExample or { version = "1.0.9" }
function MDKExample.exampleFText()
local fText = require("@PKGNAME@.ftext")
cecho(fText.fText("Testing!", {width = 40, formatType = 'c', textColor = '