This is Brandon's Ruby Capstone project
This project was compiled by Brandon in the Ruby section of the Microverse course work as the Ruby capstone project. It involved building a linter from scratch to create a real-world-like project.
This linter performs the following tests:
Particularly noteworthy is the active error correction for when one error comes up because of the existence of another, as in the case of lines 18 and 19 where it appears as two empty lines. With error correction it registers a missing closing statement and what should be an empty line once that closing statement is added, without error correction it would register as two extraneous empty lines and a missing closing statement.
- Ruby
- Atom
- Ubuntu
- Rubocop
To get this project up and running locally, you must already have ruby installed on your computer.
To get your own copy of this project simply clone the repository to your local machine. For instructions on how to run this linter live, skip to the Repl.It instructions below and then click on the Repl.It badge.
Step 1: Type the following command into a git shell
git clone
Step 2: Direct a terminal into the directory of the cloned repository by typing:
cd Ruby_Capstone_Linter
Step 3: To ensure all necessary dependencies are present, run the following command:
bundle install
Step 1: With your terminal in the cloned directory type the following command:
ruby ./bin/ruby_linter
Step 2: When prompted, enter the relative path of any file you would like to lint. To use the bad_code that comes with this repository type:
Step 1: Direct the repository to the replit-readme branch
Step 2: Click run.
Step 3: When prompted, enter the relative path of the bad_code file as described above under Linting Locally. Edit the file as you see fit and test for any errors listed in the tests outlined above. If you find any incorrect errors, please submit an issue.
- Note: Repl.It does not currently support colors so the User Experience will differ between testing online and testing locally.
Step 1: Direct a local terminal to the cloned repository.
Step 2: Enter the following command:
rspec ./spec/linter_tester.rb
👤 Brandon Defoe
- Github: @defoebrand
- LinkedIn: @defoebrand
- Gmail:
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is licensed by Microverse and