Since there are many Web apps developed, a common development template is put together here.
1、You need copy appdemo
to your GOPATH
and rename:
$ git clone <app name>
3、Enter your app, run:
$ cd <app name>
$ make _new
3、Push the code to new repo:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "init repo"
$ git remote add origin <your repo>
$ git push -u origin master
4、make run app=demo
you can start your web app.
Understand the directory.
├── # Record version change.
├── LICENSE # Open source license
├── Makefile # Makefile: call scripts
├── # Read me docs.
├── api # Protocol file
├── assets # Assets
├── build # Packaging and Continuous Integration.
├── cmd # Main applications for this app.
├── conf # Static configuration file.
├── docs # Design and user documents.
├── examples # Examples
├── go.mod # Go mod file.
├── go.sum # Go mod lock file
├── init # Init scripts
├── pkg # Library code that's ok to use by external applications.
├── scripts # Scripts to perform various build, install, analysis, etc operations.
└── website # APP's website data.
Code in pkg and cmd or website.