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File metadata and controls

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Markdown Editor React

License: MIT NPM Download NPM npm bundle size npm bundle size


$ npm install md-editor-react codemirror --save

MDEditor Usage

MDEditor is used for show editor with editing controlls and live preview

import { MDEditor } from 'md-editor-react';

import 'md-editor-react/dist/style.css';

import 'codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm';
import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css';

  defaultValue="Hello World"

CodeMirror is dependancy so you have to import codemirror css file and gfm mode for syntax highlighitng.

MDEditor Props

props type default description
delay number 300 input delay for parsing markdown and show html preview
fullScreen boolean false enable fullscreen mode
watchMode boolean true show html view
className string class name applied in wrapper
options object codemirror options
onChange function editor value on chagne event handler
menuConfig list add a menu items in menubar
defaultValue string set editor initial value
parserOptions object used marked markdown parser options

MDPreview Usage

MDPreview is used for parse markdown and preview html

import { MDPreview } from 'md-editor-react';

import 'md-editor-react/dist/style.css';

<MDPreview value="markdown value" />

MDPreview Props

props type description
value string markdown value to parse and displayed
parserOptions object used marked markdown parser options
sanitizerOptions object DOMPurify senitizer options

Highlight code in html preview

for highlight code you can used highlightjs library.

how to use in MDEditor

import { MDEditor } from 'md-editor-react';
import hljs from 'highlight.js';

import 'md-editor-react/dist/style.css';
import 'highlight.js/styles/github-gist.css';

import 'codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm';
import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css';

  defaultValue="Hello World"
    highlight: code => hljs.highlightAuto(code).value,

how to use in MDPreview

import { MDPreview } from 'md-editor-react';
import hljs from 'highlight.js';

import 'md-editor-react/dist/style.css';
import 'highlight.js/styles/github-gist.css';

  value="markdown value"
    highlight: code => hljs.highlightAuto(code).value,

Add Menu Item in Editor

use menuConfig props in MDEditor component

    id: 'uniq_id',
    title: 'Menu Title',
    icon: <MenuIcon />,
    command: editor => { /* write your code here */ },
props type description
id string uniq id
title string title of menu item
icon string or component icon display in menu bar
position number menu item position starting from 1 (divider count included)
command function trigger after menu button clicked. editor passed as argument you can modify editor value
component component a react component render after menu clicked. component has close() and editor props

add divider in menu bar

     divider: true

Menu item component props

if you want to display model like table, link menu. just import and use MDModel component.

import { MDModal, MDInput, MDButton } from 'md-editor-react';

class MenuComponet extends React.PureComponent {
	constructor(props) {

      this.state = {
        text: '',

      this.onClickSuccess = this.onClickSuccess.bind(this);
      this.onChangeInput = this.onChangeInput.bind(this);

    onChangeInput(event) {
      const { name, value } =;
        [name]: value,

    onClickSuccess() {
      const { text } = this.state;
      const { editor, close } = this.props;

      if (text) {

    render() {
      const { close } = this.props;
      const { text } = this.state;

      return (
        <MDModal visible closable header="Menu Header" onClose={close}>
          <MDModal.Body className="menu-modal">
          <MDModal.Footer onSuccess={this.onClickSuccess} onCancel={close} />


md-editor-react is MIT licensed.