A method of assessing players for a particular position/role in Football Manager 2024
The original idea and raw python code for doing all the rankings for each of the 85 roles in football manager was written by squirrel_plays. The raw calculations can be viewed here. This merely provides a web interface wrapper making it accessible to those that wish to take advantage of it.
The sterling folks Fatheed7 and HarrisonRClark have produced a much slicker version of this that's hosted here and after using it a couple of times, loved their approach to dealing with 85 selectable options while confirming and restricting what the user could choose so the resultant table wasn't stupidly wide and impractical, so I endeavoured to take a similar approach but write my own cumbersome code to supplement it. I don't intend to host this anywhere, but you are of course free to download and use as is your wish.
So why write this when there's a slicker version out there? I just wanted to see if I could, plus I wanted to customise the generated table, so I could focus down on the stats that I was interested in, making the table contents easier to consume visually.
On the command line:
- Clone the repository to your machine
cd fm_player_ranking
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
- Navigate to in your browser
- Upload your FM24 HTML file (be sure to have used the views mentioned by squirrel_plays - downloadable here)
- Select at least one role from the list (maximum of 8)
- Click upload
- Voila!
- Write some tests!
- Table styling - column highlighting in conjunction with the current bootstrap styling?