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Releases: decred/decred-binaries


08 Apr 17:32
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To install Decrediton desktop wallet, download, uncompress, and run Decrediton Linux or Decrediton macOS or Decrediton Windows.

To install the command-line tools, please see dcrinstall.

See decred-v1.6.2-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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dcrd v1.6.2

This is a patch release of dcrd to introduce a quality of life change for lightweight clients, such as SPV wallets, by not sending them a certain class of announcements that only full nodes are equiped to handle.


This patch release consists of 2 commits from 1 contributor which total to 3 files changed, 55 additional lines of code, and 31 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Protocol and Network


Code Contributors (alphabetical order)

  • Dave Collins

dcrwallet v1.6.2

This release focuses on bug fixes and feature improvements for VSP ticketbuying and change mixing.

New Features

  • A accountunlocked JSON-RPC method was added, allowing clients to determine whether an account has been encrypted with a unique passphrase, and if it is currently unlocked if so.

  • The setvotechoices JSON-RPC method will now use the vspd client to set vote choices at the VSP, if any is configured in the application settings and the ticket was bought for the VSP.

Bug Fixes

  • A UTXO selection issue which caused "low balance" errors during the additional split transaction sometimes necessary when purchasing tickets with a VSP was fixed. Some UTXOs of the account were not always being considered during the creation of this transaction, which led to the balance errors.

  • A check for a too-low fee when mixing at the smallest common amount was added. This previously was causing "invalid submission" errors, as the server would reject the submission for not paying enough fee.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order)

  • Jonathan Chappelow
  • Josh Rickmar

Decrediton v1.6.2

This patch release for Decrediton includes just a few small changes for copy and buttons missing text.

Bug Fixes

  • Missing Legacy Ticket purchase button text.

  • Incorrect copy on Governance for thresholds for upgrading the network.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order)

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt
  • Amir Massarwa
  • bgptr
  • Matheus Degiovani


23 Feb 21:48
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To install Decrediton desktop wallet, download, uncompress, and run Decrediton Linux or Decrediton macOS or Decrediton Windows.

To install the command-line tools, please see dcrinstall.

See decred-v1.6.1-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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dcrd v1.6.1

This is a patch release of dcrd which includes the following changes:

  • Correct a hard to hit issue where connections might not be reestablished after a network outage under some rare circumstances
  • Allow stakeholders to make use of the staking system to force proof-of-work miners to upgrade to the latest version so voting on the new consensus changes can commence


This patch release consists of 3 commits from 1 contributor which total to 3 files changed, 30 additional lines of code, and 9 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Protocol and Network


Code Contributors (alphabetical order)

  • Dave Collins

dcrwallet v1.6.1

This release focuses on fixing issues with the new VSP fee payments and account mixing.

New Features

  • A WalletServer.SetVspdVoteChoice gRPC method was added, allowing clients to update the agenda preferences for the new VSP software.

Bug Fixes

  • An additional transaction may be created now when an account does not have enough UTXOs to pay for both a ticket and a VSP fee. This avoids insufficient balance errors where possible and prevents the user from needing to split a UTXO themselves.

  • Several issues causing double spends when dealing with unpublished transactions were corrected. This improves the reliability of paying the VSP fee.

  • Account balances no longer report the outputs of unpublished transactions as spendable with minconf=0. Instead, these balances are added to the unconfirmed balance.

  • Account and output mixing now considers the required fee necessary when selecting which common output amount and output count to mix with. This fixes mixing for some outputs which are currently being rejected by the CoinShuffle++ server due to not paying enough of the required transaction fee.

  • The signrawtransaction JSON-RPC method was changed to return an error if the transaction being signed has no inputs.

  • The salsa20 and blake2b dependencies were updated to prevent possible memory corruption caused by smashing the SP register in optimized assembly implementations.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order)

  • Josh Rickmar

Decrediton v1.6.1

This patch release fixes several issues discovered in the v1.6.0 release.

Most changes are focused on improving the staking experience with the new VSP system: unexpected insufficient balance error is fixed, successes and failures of various staking operations are better reported now, setting consensus vote choices on the new VSP was implemented.


  • Consensus change voting is now working as expected. When a user sets their vote choice, it is updated in their local wallet and also sent to any legacy VSP. Every live ticket they have assigned with a new VSP is updated as well.

  • Due to the way the coins (UTXOs) are handled when purchasing tickets, there is a possibility of the underlying dcrwallet purchasing fewer tickets than what the user requested. This condition is now explained with a better message, to help the user understand why, for example, they only got 1 ticket when trying to buy 2.

  • Labels on the Staking tab have been updated to make things more clear with the new tickets and the old tickets.

  • An initial Traditional Chinese translation was completed by @smartwojak and verified by long-standing community member Hugo Chang (@changhugo).

  • Running or attempting multiple things at the same time is no longer allowed to avoid possible issues or unexpected errors. For instance, when the mixer is running, users may not purchase tickets or run the autobuyer, and vice versa. To perform an action, the user needs to turn off a running activity before proceeding. Several tooltips have been added to make the user aware of the situation.

  • Loading indicators have been added to various buttons related to ticket purchasing, to indicate that the user should wait for a long-running operation (like mixed ticket purchasing) to complete.

  • Success and failure messages have been added to various new ticket purchasing actions. Now users will be shown a message when they successfully complete (or receive errors for) the following actions: verify that visible tickets are assigned to VSPs and have their fees paid (Process Managed), discover tickets not yet assigned to a VSP and pay their fees (Process Unmanaged), and sync failed VSP tickets.

Bug Fixes

  • Added a timeout when not receiving VSP status response within 5 seconds.

  • Transaction history filtering has been fixed and now allows to select multiple types of transactions at once.

  • Tickets will now show as "Processing", "Error" or "Paid" shortly after purchase. Previously they would be shown as "Solo" until a restart or another block was mined.

  • Added explicit wallet lock calls to ensure that wallet is locked after mixing or ticket autobuyer requests.

  • There were a few reports of incorrectly created legacy ticket purchases due to a still unknown cause. To work-around this we've added sanity checks prior to purchase request to dcrwallet to avoid any potential malformed requests from being sent. This won't solve the core issue, but should at least notify users of something wrong occuring and give us data to investigate further.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order)

  • Alex Yocom-Piatt
  • Amir Massarwa
  • bgptr
  • Guilherme Marques
  • JoeGruffins
  • Matheus Degiovani
  • Scott Christian
  • smartwojak
  • Victor Oliveira

dcrdex v0.1.5

This patch release provides several important bug fixes.

Please read the initial release (v0.1.0) notes for important information and instructions.

Client (dexc)

Features and Improvements

  • The user's account ID is now logged on connection and authentication with a DEX server. (8ce328)


  • Fix a possible panic when reconfiguring a wallet that is not connected. (dfe4cd)

  • When resuming trades on startup and login, counterparty contract audits now retry repeatedly, as is the case when an audit request is initially received. This prevents a match from being incorrectly revoked on startup if the wallet/node fails to locate the counterparty contract immediately. (dfe4cd)

  • The client's database subsystem is always started first and stopped last. This is a prerequisite for the following wallet lock-on-shutdown change. (b4ef3f)

  • On shutdown of client Core, the wallets are now locked even if the PromptShutdown function is not used. This does not affect dexc users, only direct Go consumers of the client/core.Core type. (70044e)

  • Fix a possible interruption of the DEX reconnect loop if the config response timed out. (4df683)

  • Update the crypto/x/blake2 dependency to prevent silent memory corruption from the hash function's assembly code. (c67af3)

  • Handle orders that somehow lose their funding coins. Previously, such orders would forever be logged at startup but never retired, and any matches from such orders that required swap negotiation of other recovery would have been improperly abandoned. (a7b5aa)

Server (dcrdex)

There are no substantive server changes, just a few logging improvements.

Code Summary

11 commits, 13 files changed, 564 insertions(+), and 254 deletions(-)


3 contributors

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25 Jan 15:56
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To install the command line tools, please see dcrinstaller.

To install decrediton download, uncompress, and run decrediton Linux or decrediton macOS or decrediton Windows.

See manifest-v1.6.0.txt, and the package specific manifest files for sha256 sums and the associated .asc files to confirm those shas.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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dcrd v1.6.0

This release of dcrd introduces a large number of updates. Some of the key highlights are:

  • A new consensus vote agenda which allows the stakeholders to decide whether or not to activate support for a decentralized treasury
  • Aggregate fee transaction selection in block templates (Child Pays For Parent)
  • Improved peer discovery via HTTPS seeding with filtering capabilities
  • Major performance enhancements for signature validation and other cryptographic operations
  • Approximately 15% less overall resident memory usage
  • Proactive signature cache eviction
  • Improved support for single-party Schnorr signatures
  • Ticket exhaustion prevention
  • Various updates to the RPC server such as:
    • A new method to retrieve the current treasury balance
    • A new method to query treasury spend transaction vote details
  • Infrastructure improvements
  • Quality assurance changes

For those unfamiliar with the voting process in Decred, all code needed in order to support a decentralized treasury is already included in this release, however it will remain dormant until the stakeholders vote to activate it.

For reference, the decentralized treasury work was originally proposed and approved for initial implementation via the following Politeia proposal:

The following Decred Change Proposal (DCP) describes the proposed changes in detail and provides a full technical specification:

It is important for everyone to upgrade their software to this latest release even if you don't intend to vote in favor of the agenda.

Downgrade Warning

The database format in v1.6.0 is not compatible with previous versions of the software. This only affects downgrades as users upgrading from previous versions will see a one time database migration.

Once this migration has been completed, it will no longer be possible to downgrade to a previous version of the software without having to delete the database and redownload the chain.

The database migration typically takes about 5 to 10 minutes on HDDs and 2 to 4 minutes on SSDs.

Notable Changes

Decentralized Treasury Vote

A new vote with the id treasury is now available as of this release. After upgrading, stakeholders may set their preferences through their wallet or Voting Service Provider's (VSP) website.

The primary goal of this change is to fully decentralize treasury spending so that it is controlled by the stakeholders via ticket voting.

See the initial Politeia proposal for more details.

Aggregate Fee Block Template Transaction Selection (Child Pays For Parent)

The transactions that are selected for inclusion in block templates that Proof-of-Work miners solve now prioritize the overall fees of the entire transaction ancestor graph.

This is beneficial for both miners and end users as it:

  • Helps maximize miner profit by ensuring that unconfirmed transaction chains with higher aggregate fees are given priority over others with lower aggregate fees
  • Provides a mechanism for users to increase the priority of an unconfirmed transaction by spending its outputs with another transaction that pays higher fees

This is commonly referred to as Child Pays For Parent (CPFP) as the spending ("child") transaction is able to increase the priority of the spent ("parent") transaction.

HTTPS Seeding

The initial bootstrap process that contacts seeders to discover other nodes to connect to now uses a REST-based API over HTTPS.

This change will be imperceptible for most users, with the exception that it accelerates the process of finding suitable candidate nodes that support desired services, particularly in the case of recently-introduced services that have not yet achieved widespread adoption on the network.

The following are some key benefits of HTTPS seeders over the previous DNS-based seeders:

  • Support for non-standard ports
  • Advertisement of supported service
  • Better scalability both in terms of network load and new features
  • Native support for TLS-secured communication channels
  • Native support for proxies which allows the use of anonymous overlay networks such as Tor and I2P
  • No need for a large DNSSEC dependency surface
  • Uses better audited infrastructure
  • More secure
  • Increases flexibility

Signature Validation And Other Crypto Operation Optimizations

The underlying crypto code has been reworked to significantly improve its execution speed and reduce the number of memory allocations. While this has more benefits than enumerated here, probably the most important ones for most stakeholders are:

  • Improved vote times since blocks and transactions propagate more quickly throughout the network
  • The initial sync process is around 15% faster

Proactive Signature Cache Eviction

Signature cache entries that are nearly guaranteed to no longer be useful are now immediately and proactively evicted resulting in overall faster validation during steady state operation due to fewer cache misses.

The primary purpose of the cache is to avoid double checking signatures that are already known to be valid.

Orphan Transaction Relay Policy Refinement

Transactions that spend outputs which are not known to nodes relaying them, known as orphan transactions, now have the same size restrictions applied to them as standard non-orphan transactions.

This ensures that transactions chains are not artificially hindered from relaying regardless of the order they are received.

In order to keep memory usage of the now potentially larger orphan transactions under control, more intelligent orphan eviction has been implemented and the maximum number of allowed orphans before random eviction occurs has been lowered.

These changes, in conjunction with other related changes, mean that nodes are better about orphan transaction management and thus missing ancestors will typically either be broadcast or mined fairly quickly resulting in fewer overall orphans and smaller actual run-time orphan pools.

Ticket Exhaustion Prevention

Mining templates that would lead to the chain becoming unrecoverable due to inevitable ticket exhaustion will no longer be generated.

This is primarily aimed at the testing networks, but it could also theoretically affect the main network in some far future if the demand for tickets were to ever dry up for some unforeseen reason.

New Initial State Protocol Messages (getinitstate/initstate)

This release introduces a pair of peer-to-peer protocol messages named getinitstate and initstate which support querying one or more pieces of information that are useful to acquire when a node first connects in a consolidated fashion.

Some examples of the aforementioned information are the mining state as of the current tip block and, with the introduction of the decentralized treasury, any outstanding treasury spend transactions that are being voted on.

Mining State Protocol Messages Deprecated (getminings/minings)

Due to the addition of the previously-described initial state peer-to-peer protocol messages, the getminings and minings protocol messages are now deprecated. Use the new getinitstate and initstate messages with the headblocks and headblockvotes state types instead.

RPC Server Changes

The RPC server version as of this release is 6.2.0.

New Treasury Balance Query RPC (gettreasurybalance)

A new RPC named gettreasurybalance is now available to query the current balance of the decentralized treasury. Please note that this requires the decentralized treasury vote to pass and become active, so it will return an appropriate error indicating the decentralized treasury is inactive until that time.

See the gettreasurybalance JSON-RPC API Documentation for API details.

New Treasury Spend Vote Query RPC (gettreasuryspendvotes)

A new RPC named gettreasuryspendvotes is now available to query vote information about one or more treasury spend transactions. Please note that this requires the decentralized treasury vote to pass and become active to produce a meaningful result since treasury spend transactions are invalid until that time.

See the gettreasuryspendvotes JSON-RPC API Documentation for API details.

New Force Mining Template Regeneration RPC (regentemplate)

A new RPC nam...

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15 Jan 16:25
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v1.6.0-rc5 Pre-release
add decrediton v1.5.2 rel notes (#129)


02 Dec 15:01
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v1.6.0-rc4 Pre-release
add decrediton v1.5.2 rel notes (#129)


16 Nov 15:49
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v1.6.0-rc3 Pre-release
add decrediton v1.5.2 rel notes (#129)


03 Nov 19:03
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v1.6.0-rc2 Pre-release
add decrediton v1.5.2 rel notes (#129)


21 Oct 01:16
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v1.6.0-rc1 Pre-release



To install the command line tools, please see dcrinstaller.
To install decrediton download, uncompress, and run decrediton Linux or decrediton macOS or decrediton Windows.

See manifest-v1.6.0-rc1.txt, and the package specific manifest files for sha256 sums and the associated .asc files to confirm those shas.

See for more info on verifying the files.


dcrd v1.6.0-rc1

This release of dcrd introduces a large number of updates. Some of the key highlights are:

  • A new consensus vote agenda which allows the stakeholders to decide whether or not to activate support for a decentralized treasury
  • Aggregate fee transaction selection in block templates (Child Pays For Parent)
  • Improved peer discovery via HTTPS seeding with filtering capabilities
  • Major performance enhancements for signature validation and other cryptographic operations
  • Approximately 15% less overall resident memory usage
  • Proactive signature cache eviction
  • Improved support for single-party Schnorr signatures
  • Ticket exhaustion prevention
  • Various updates to the RPC server such as:
    • A new method to retrieve the current treasury balance
    • A new method to query treasury spend transaction vote details
  • Infrastructure improvements
  • Quality assurance changes

For those unfamiliar with the voting process in Decred, all code needed in order to support a decentralized treasury is already included in this release, however it will remain dormant until the stakeholders vote to activate it.

For reference, the decentralized treasury work was originally proposed and approved for initial implementation via the following Politeia proposal:

The following Decred Change Proposal (DCP) describes the proposed changes in detail and provides a full technical specification:

It is important for everyone to upgrade their software to this latest release even if you don't intend to vote in favor of the agenda.

Downgrade Warning

The database format in v1.6.0 is not compatible with previous versions of the software. This only affects downgrades as users upgrading from previous versions will see a one time database migration.

Once this migration has been completed, it will no longer be possible to downgrade to a previous version of the software without having to delete the database and redownload the chain.

The database migration typically takes about 5 to 10 minutes on HDDs and 2 to 4 minutes on SSDs.

Notable Changes

Decentralized Treasury Vote

A new vote with the id treasury is now available as of this release. After upgrading, stakeholders may set their preferences through their wallet or Voting Service Provider's (VSP) website.

The primary goal of this change is to fully decentralize treasury spending so that it is controlled by the stakeholders via ticket voting.

See the initial Politeia proposal for more details.

Aggregate Fee Block Template Transaction Selection (Child Pays For Parent)

The transactions that are selected for inclusion in block templates that Proof-of-Work miners solve now prioritize the overall fees of the entire transaction ancestor graph.

This is beneficial for both miners and end users as it:

  • Helps maximize miner profit by ensuring that unconfirmed transaction chains with higher aggregate fees are given priority over others with lower aggregate fees
  • Provides a mechanism for users to increase the priority of an unconfirmed transaction by spending its outputs with another transaction that pays higher fees

This is commonly referred to as Child Pays For Parent (CPFP) as the spending ("child") transaction is able to increase the priority of the spent ("parent") transaction.

HTTPS Seeding

The initial bootstrap process that contacts seeders to discover other nodes to connect to now uses a REST-based API over HTTPS.

This change will be imperceptible for most users, with the exception that it accelerates the process of finding suitable candidate nodes that support desired services, particularly in the case of recently-introduced services that have not yet achieved widespread adoption on the network.

The following are some key benefits of HTTPS seeders over the previous DNS-based seeders:

  • Support for non-standard ports
  • Advertisement of supported service
  • Better scalability both in terms of network load and new features
  • Native support for TLS-secured communication channels
  • Native support for proxies which allows the use of anonymous overlay networks such as Tor and I2P
  • No need for a large DNSSEC dependency surface
  • Uses better audited infrastructure
  • More secure
  • Increases flexibility

Signature Validation And Other Crypto Operation Optimizations

The underlying crypto code has been reworked to significantly improve its execution speed and reduce the number of memory allocations. While this has more benefits than enumerated here, probably the most important ones for most stakeholders are:

  • Improved vote times since blocks and transactions propagate more quickly throughout the network
  • The initial sync process is around 15% faster

Proactive Signature Cache Eviction

Signature cache entries that are nearly guaranteed to no longer be useful are now immediately and proactively evicted resulting in overall faster validation during steady state operation due to fewer cache misses.

The primary purpose of the cache is to avoid double checking signatures that are already known to be valid.

Orphan Transaction Relay Policy Refinement

Transactions that spend outputs which are not known to nodes relaying them, known as orphan transactions, now have the same size restrictions applied to them as standard non-orphan transactions.

This ensures that transactions chains are not artificially hindered from relaying regardless of the order they are received.

In order to keep memory usage of the now potentially larger orphan transactions under control, more intelligent orphan eviction has been implemented and the maximum number of allowed orphans before random eviction occurs has been lowered.

These changes, in conjunction with other related changes, mean that nodes are better about orphan transaction management and thus missing ancestors will typically either be broadcast or mined fairly quickly resulting in fewer overall orphans and smaller actual run-time orphan pools.

Ticket Exhaustion Prevention

Mining templates that would lead to the chain becoming unrecoverable due to inevitable ticket exhaustion will no longer be generated.

This is primarily aimed at the testing networks, but it could also theoretically affect the main network in some far future if the demand for tickets were to ever dry up for some unforeseen reason.

New Initial State Protocol Messages (getinitstate/initstate)

This release introduces a pair of peer-to-peer protocol messages named getinitstate and initstate which support querying one or more pieces of information that are useful to acquire when a node first connects in a consolidated fashion.

Some examples of the aforementioned information are the mining state as of the current tip block and, with the introduction of the decentralized treasury, any outstanding treasury spend transactions that are being voted on.

Mining State Protocol Messages Deprecated (getminings/minings)

Due to the addition of the previously-described initial state peer-to-peer protocol messages, the getminings and minings protocol messages are now deprecated. Use the new getinitstate and initstate messages with the headblocks and headblockvotes state types instead.

RPC Server Changes

The RPC server version as of this release is 6.1.2.

New Treasury Balance Query RPC (gettreasurybalance)

A new RPC named gettreasurybalance is now available to query the current balance of the decentralized treasury. Please note that this requires the decentralized treasury vote to pass and become active, so it will return an appropriate error indicating the decentralized treasury is inactive until that time.

See the gettreasurybalance JSON-RPC API Documentation for API details.

New Treasury Spend Vote Query RPC (gettreasuryspendvotes)

A new RPC named gettreasuryspendvotes is now available to query vote information about one or more treasury spend transactions. Please note that this requires the decentralized treasury vote to pass and become active to produce a meaningful result since treasury spend transactions are invalid until that time.

See the gettreasuryspendvotes JSON-RPC API Documentation for API details.

New Force Mining Template Regeneration RPC (regentemplate)

A new ...

Read more


28 Aug 18:41
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To install the command line tools, please see dcrinstaller.
To install decrediton download, uncompress, and run decrediton Linux or decrediton macOS or decrediton Windows.

See decred-v1.5.2-manifest.txt, and the package specific manifest files for sha256 sums and the associated .asc files to confirm those shas.

See for more info on verifying the files.


dcrd v1.5.2

This is a patch release of dcrd to address a potential denial of service vector.


This patch release consists of 5 commits from 2 contributors which total to 4 files changed, 114 additional lines of code, and 20 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Protocol and network:


Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Dave Collins
  • David Hill


29 Jan 23:24
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To install the command line tools, please see dcrinstaller.
To install decrediton download, uncompress, and run decrediton Linux or decrediton macOS or decrediton Windows.

See decred-v1.5.1-manifest.txt, and the package specific manifest files for sha256 sums and the associated .asc files to confirm those shas.

See for more info on verifying the files.


dcrd v1.5.1

This is a patch release of dcrd to address a minor memory leak with authenticated RPC websocket clients on intermittent connections. It also updates the dcrctl utility to include the new auditreuse dcrwallet command.


This patch release consists of 4 commits from 3 contributors which total to 4 files changed, 27 additional lines of code, and 6 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.


dcrctl utility changes:


Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Dave Collins
  • Josh Rickmar
  • Matheus Degiovani

dcrwallet v1.5.1

This release contains bug fixes and minor feature additions. A comprehensive list of improvements and bug fixes follows.

New features

  • An auditreuse JSON-RPC method was added. This method reports all transactions that reuse an output address, excluding votes and
    revocations which must use the committed address from a ticket. An optional block height parameter may be provided to only search for
    reuse following a block.

  • The createrawtransaction JSON-RPC method was implemented directly. This allows users of the SPV syncing mode to perform the call, rather than the call erroring due to no RPC passthrough to a dcrd JSON-RPC server.

Other improvements

  • The option is now expanded with ~ and environment variables.

  • The sample config has been updated with options related to CoinShuffle++.

Bug fixes

  • Duplicate logs for insufficient balance errors during automated ticketbuying have been silenced.

  • The gRPC method TicketBuyerV2Service.RunTicketBuyer contained a regression causing all change to be created for only the default (first) account. A fix was made to restore the previous behavior, where change is created for the source account.

  • An address reuse bug caused by resetting child indexes backwards after address and account discovery was corrected. It was possible
    for this bug to be hit any time network synchronization had to be restarted (e.g. the dcrd JSON-RPC link was lost), because address discovery would always occur on resync.

  • A shutdown hang of the dcrwallet process following a panic in a JSON-RPC handler was fixed with improved synchronization code.

  • A data race in the signrawtransaction JSON-RPC method was corrected.

  • A memory leak in the JSON-RPC websocket client to dcrd was fixed. This bug caused excessive memory usage by retaining every unmarshaled response in memory for the lifetime of the websocket connection.

  • Extended pubkeys imported via the importxpub JSON-RPC method may now be used immediately rather than requiring a restart of the process.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

decrediton v1.5.1

This patch release for decrediton mainly focuses on patching various issues that were found during public usage. We have also included an update to the QR code that shows a basic DCR logo within.

New Features

  • The QR Code generated for addresses to receive funds in Decrediton now include a blue/green DCR logo in the center. Functionally, this will be no different than before. (#2385)

Bug Fixes

  • Double notifications were being shown when sending transactions (#2375)

  • Allow for the second instance warning to be closed and quit the application. (#2394)

  • Various typos and spelling fixes. (#2383, #2400, #2395)

  • The number of active tickets on the overview was not showing correctly while in SPV wallets. (#2389)

  • Prevent gap exhaustion during change generation. (#2358)

  • Disable various elements from being selectable. (#2388)


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.