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@jrick jrick released this 05 Jun 13:39
· 4 commits to master since this release


To install Decrediton desktop wallet, download, uncompress, and run Decrediton Linux AppImage or Decrediton Linux tar or Decrediton macOS amd64 or Decrediton macOS arm64 or Decrediton Windows.

To install the command-line tools, please see dcrinstall.

See decred-v2.0.2-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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dcrd v2.0.2

This is a patch release of dcrd which includes the following key changes:

  • Nodes now prefer to maintain at least one mixing-capable outbound connection
  • Peers will no longer potentially be improperly banned due to missing mix messages
  • Mixing messages that are not available will now be obtained from elsewhere
  • Improves mixing message availability during network propagation


This patch release consists of 26 commits from 3 contributors which total to 18 files changed, 468 additional lines of code, and 451 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

See dcrd's own release notes for a categorized breakdown of all commits since the last release.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Dave Collins
  • David Hill

dcrwallet v2.0.2

This release includes several important bug fixes for mixing users. All 2.0.1 users are advised to ugrade.

Bug Fixes

  • The mixing client will no longer attempt to create mixes that, when signed, exceed the standardness rules set by dcrd mempool (dcrd/3338).

  • A change was made to how reruns are handled after blame is assigned. Rather than incrementing the run, a new session is formed. This reduces unexpected behavior by requiring the stricter message acceptance checks that were only performed during run-0 (dcrd/3343).

Other improvements

  • Peers who send mix messages when disablerelaytx is enabled (this includes dcrd version 2.0.0, but not 2.0.1 or 2.0.2) will be temporarily banned (48c59f55).

  • Debug logging of mixing activity has been improved through changes in both the mixpool and mixclient packages (dcrd/3326, dcrd/3331, dcrd/3333, dcrd/3339, dcrd/3340).


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Code Contributors (alphabetical order):