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@jrick jrick released this 17 Apr 16:00
· 10 commits to master since this release


To install Decrediton desktop wallet, download, uncompress, and run Decrediton Linux AppImage or Decrediton Linux tar or Decrediton macOS amd64 or Decrediton macOS arm64 or Decrediton Windows.

To install the command-line tools, please see dcrinstall.

See decred-v1.7.7-manifest.txt and the other manifest files for SHA-256 hashes and the associated .asc signature files to confirm those hashes.

See for more info on verifying the files.

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dcrd v1.7.7

This is a patch release of dcrd that includes the following changes:

  • Use the latest network protocol version
  • Reduce bandwidth usage in certain scenarios by avoiding requests for inventory that is already known
  • Mitigate excessive CPU usage in some rare scenarios specific to the test network
  • Improve best address candidate selection efficiency


This patch release consists of 19 commits from 3 contributors which total to 92 files changed, 1357 additional lines of code, and 1191 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Protocol and network:


Developer-related package and module changes:

Testing and Quality Assurance:


Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Dave Collins
  • Eng Zer Jun
  • Jonathan Chappelow

dcrwallet v1.7.7

This release includes many bug fixes and performance improvements that, in particular, benefits ticketbuying and other heavily-used wallets that contain many transactions.

Bug fixes

  • A deadlock during address discovery was corrected.

  • SPV peer selection no longer requires excessive CPU usage when few quality
    peers are known.

  • A data race during rescanning in SPV mode was corrected.

  • A logic race that could result in failing to watch addresses after purchasing tickets, and subsequently missing transactions paying to these addresses, was corrected.

  • A duplicate log message when failing to watch addresses after purchasing tickets was removed.

  • Account balances are no longer calculated by the automatic ticket buyer if the ticketbuyer.balancetomaintainabsolute flag is unset or zero. Calculating balances is a expensive operation on wallets with many transactions, and avoiding this unnecessary task can provide a significant performance boost.

  • The hardcoded maximum number of UTXOs that can be concurrently mixed during account mixing was removed and replaced with a maximum value that scales with the mixsplitlimit config option.

  • Mixed ticket buying and account mixing no longer creates change that is smaller than the minimum amount needed to mix a UTXO at the smallest common denomination during change account mixing. Previously, change that was too small to mix was only discarded (i.e. included in the transaction fee) during mixing at the smallest common denomination.

New features

  • A watchlast config setting was included to configure the maximum number of recent addresses on an account branch are watched at startup.

  • A new UTXO selection algorithm was implemented to pick UTXOs at random. Previously, randomization was implemented by reading all UTXOs into memory and shuffling. The new algorithm reads UTXOs from the database directly without needing to read all UTXOs into memory, which provides both performance and memory improvements over the previous algorithm.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Decrediton v1.7.7

This release includes a various new features and bug fixes. Users are now able to choose individually on each TSpend instead of by pubkey. Launcher views have been totally revamped and improved. Trezor views have also had an improved UX introduced. And last but not least, DEX has been upgraded to 0.6.0 which now allows for trading with ETH.

New Features

  • DEX has been updated to 0.6.0 which now allows access to the dcr-eth trading pair. You can find the full rundown of improvements to DEX for 0.6.0 here.

  • TSpends can now be voted on individually instead of by the overall signing pubkey. This gives stakeholders more control over their voting rights when it comes to treasury expenditures.

  • Launching views have been redesigned and should allow for more interactivity and learning while waiting for the wallet to fully load in. Ideally this should reduce the number of support questions we receive overall.

  • Trezor wallet creation views have been fully revamped and should allow for a much better user experience. The new views can be seen here.

Bug fixes

  • Resend vote choices to recently updated VSPs. If a user updates their local vote preference before the VSP that controls their ticket, this was required to ensure that the User's vote choices were maintained after they update to the new version.

  • Fix Dex Window not launching after wallet reload.

  • Speed up and refine wallet start up process. There were a few extraneous processes that were occurring durign startup that could cause delays in the wallet fully opening.

  • Fix an issue with the send form that would cause incorrect amounts to be used as the final value. Eg. User enters 50 to send, but only would register 5.

  • Fix time remaining estimation during block syncing.

  • Fix various minor CSS issues throughout.


All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.