To install decrediton download, uncompress, and run decrediton Linux or decrediton OSX or
decrediton Windows.
See manifest-decrediton-v1.1.1.txt, and the package specific manifest files for sha256 sums and the associated .asc files to confirm those shas.
See README.md for more info on verifying the files.
decrediton v1.1.1
This patch release primarily fixes Windows version from not allowing dcrd and dcrwallet to be shutdown gracefully. Upon decrediton close, shutdown requests are given to the 2 child-processes to cleanly shutdown now.
This commit also marks the first unit test of the React components we are including. In the upcoming releases we plan on expanding test coverage to hopefully ensure that each release is as bug free as possible.
We can now get transaction details for pending transactions and the transaction notifactions are clickable to see that details page.
App versions are now pulled directly from the binaries themselves instead of any hardcoding so users can be assured they are running specific versions of dcrd and dcrwallet underneath.
Bug Fixes
Disable rescan, add ApiKey and Import Script buttons if there is an outstanding rescan request processing. Otherwise you can issue multiple requests at the same time and it will lead to unsightly UX.
Fix Stakepools Overview link that was resulting in a 404 previously.
Add total subsidy to the tickets page.
Fix Add Stakepool Button in Stakepool Config page.
All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.