General Info
- Plugin's own website:
- Plugin page on
- Translate the plugin
- Join plugin's newsletter for insider info, tutorials and more
- Become a Patron and support ongoing development, maintenance and support of this plugin
- Donate for the further development & support of the plugin
- Plugin's documentation & knowledge base
- Facebook Community User Group
- New: Successfully tested with Oxygen Builder 3.0, including WooCommerce & Gutenberg Integrations
- New: Successfully tested with Oxygen Builder 2.4.1
- New: For Oxygen Template post type, added new optional Template Group as a top-level item, or as sub item in the Build Group - has lots of options for customizing
- New: For Oxygen-edited Pages, added new optional Pages Group as a top-level item, or as sub item in the Build Group - has lots of options for customizing
- New: Added plugin support for Oxygen Block Lab Support (free, by David Browne) - for Block Lab block templates
- New: Added plugin support for Oxygen EDD Support (free, by David Browne) - for Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) product & archive templates
- New: Added plugin support for Oxygen RCP Support (free, by David Browne) - for Restrict Content Pro content templates
- New: Added internal logic for settings updater between major versions of this Add-On
- Tweak: Added sub item for optional "Gutenberg" settings (Oxygen Gutenberg Integration)
- Tweak: For "My Custom Functionality" plugin support, added dynamic folder path detection to better handle GitHub specific scenarios
- Tweak: For some existing tweaks made sure they are not executed in the Oxygen Builder context to avoid any errors, warnings and notices
- Tweak: Added new screenshots (for the above new features)
- Tweak: Some under the hood improvements on code base
- Tweak: Updated
file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs - Fix: Fixed PHP notice if Oxygen Builder is still set as default page builder in settings but the plugin was deactivated meanwhile
- Note: The Add-On version 1.2.0 requires base plugin Toolbar Extras v1.4.6+
- New: Successfully tested with Oxygen Builder 2.3
- New: Successfully tested with WordPress 5.2
- New: Added plugin support for "My Custom Functionality" (free, by Sridhar Katakam)
- New: Integrated with WordPress 5.2+ new Site Health feature: Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder now has an extra section on the Debug Info tab - this is especially helpful for support requests
- Tweak: Greatly improved the smart tweak for proper highlighting of parent file/ submenu for Oxygen Templates and User Elements Library (Block Library) as well
- Tweak: Improved all tweaks regarding Oxygen Templates post type labels
- Tweak: Plugin Manager admin notices are now properly dismissed - switched to notice library of Toolbar Extras base plugin :)
- Tweak: Minor compatibility tweaks for Oxygen 2.3 beta/RC/final releases
- Tweak: Updated
file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs - Note: The Add-On version 1.1.0 requires base plugin Toolbar Extras v1.4.3+
- Tweak: Setup Plugin Manager to load earlier to actually appear again
- Tweak: Small improvement to User Group link title attribute
- Tweak: Internal improvements and optimizations
- Tweak: Updated
file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs - Tweak: Enhanced and improved Readme.txt file here - also added new FAQ entry
- Fix: Proper Editor URL query params for templates to make all editable again - thanks to user feedback in Oxygen FB Group
- Fix: Correct admin URL on Plugins page listing
- New: Video of plugin walkthrough and live demo
- New: Video of Add-On installation & activation, plus setting the first important setting
- Tweak: Further performance optimization to load as minimal stuff as possible
- Tweak: Updated
file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs - Fix: Fixed fatal error on activation (sorry!)
- Plugin launch. Everything's new!
- New: Including support for 2 Oxygen-specific Add-On plugins
- New: New "Oxygen" tab on Toolbar Extras plugin settings page, with up to 16 different options
- New: Few tweaks for "Back to WP" links within Oxygen's own Toolbar in the Builder
- New: Post type item Row Action for "Edit with Oxygen"
- New: Post type item Post State for "Oxygen"
- New: 12 great Oxygen resources links integrated into the Toolbar
- Note: the Add-On integrates with current Oxygen Builder v2.2.1 as well as the upcoming v2.3.x release (tested with 2.3 alpha 1)
- New: Private beta release on GitHub