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NFT Museum SDK7 Template Scene

This project is a scene template for an SDK7 NFT Museum with lazy loading and different types of artwork including NFTs, video art, image art and 3D art. The repository also includes elevator functionality, sliding doors, reward claiming and different audio sources such as a radio station and playlist.


Try it out

Previewing the scene

  1. Download this repository.

  2. Install the Decentraland Editor

  3. Open a Visual Studio Code window on this scene's root folder. Not on the root folder of the whole repo, but instead on this sub-folder that belongs to the scene.

  4. Open the Decentraland Editor tab, and press Run Scene

Alternatively, you can use the command line. Inside this scene root directory run:

npm run start

Customize the Artwork

To switch out the artwork on display, take a quick look at the following introduction and then scroll down to the type of artwork you'd like to modify:

  1. There are four different types of artwork you can display in this repository: NFTs, videos, images, and 3D art. Each artwork has an ArtworkID number.
  2. To see the ArtworkID number, hover over an artwork to see the artHover UI, which displays the ArtworkID number in the title and description.
  3. Additionally, there's a visual aid in the model artNumbers.glb, which displays all the corresponding ArtworkID numbers in the museum. To toggle its visibility, go to artData.ts.

To enable the visual aid, add the following code to artData.ts:

// Make artNumbers visible to help with placing and naming items in the gallery
const artNumbers = engine.addEntity()
Transform.create(artNumbers, { position: sceneCentrePosition })
GltfContainer.create(artNumbers, { src: 'models/artNumbers.glb'})

To disable the visual aid, remove or comment out the code above.


Customize the NFT Art

To change the NFT art on display:

  1. Open nftArt.ts and locate the nftCollection array:

    export const nftCollection: NFTdata[] = []
  2. Inside nftCollection, you'll find a set of NFTs that you can manage independently. Each NFT object includes the following properties:

    • room: Indicates the room where the NFT will be displayed (see lazy loading for more info).
    • id: The artwork ID.
    • position: The artwork position (more details in artPositions.ts).
    • rotation: The artwork rotation (more details in artPositions.ts).
    • scale: The artwork scale. Adjust to match your artwork proportions.
    • urn: The URN for the NFT you want to display. (See how to get a URN here)
    • frame: The type of NFT frame (see nftFrames.ts for more details).
    • color: The background color of the NFT frame.
    • hoverText: The text that appears when the cursor is on the NFT.
   room: 1,
   id: 1,
   position: artPos1,
   rotation: artRot1,
   scale: Vector3.create(4, 4, 4),
   urn: 'urn:decentraland:ethereum:erc721:0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d:558536',
   frame: canvasFrame,
   color: Color3.Yellow(),
   hoverText: 'Click'
  1. You can adjust, add, and remove NFTs as needed. Just ensure that the artwork ID, position, and rotation all match.

By default, clicking on an NFT will open the default NFT UI, displaying details about the NFT.


Customize the Image Art

To change the image art on display (for images that aren't NFTs):

  1. Navigate to imageArt.ts and locate the imageArtCollection array:

    export const imageArtCollection: ImageData[]
  2. Inside imageArtCollection, you'll find a set of images that you can manage independently. Each image object includes the following properties:

    • room: Indicates the room where the image will appear (see lazy loading for more info).
    • id: The artwork ID.
    • position: The artwork position (more details in artPositions.ts).
    • rotation: The artwork rotation (more details in artPositions.ts).
    • scale: The artwork scale. Adjust to match your artwork proportions.
    • image: The image to be displayed. You can either use a URL or a path to an image in your project folder. (For example, change logoImage to 'images/yourImage.jpg' or 'https://your-image-url'). To host images on servers, try a service like NFT.Storage.
    • hoverText: The text that appears when the cursor is on the image.
    • url: The URL that opens when the image is clicked on. Change it to your desired URL. For organization purposes, all the URLs are in social.ts.
    • hasAlpha: Set this to true or false depending on whether you want your image to be semi-transparent or not.
    room: 1,
    id: 4,
    position: artPos4,
    rotation: artRot4,
    scale: Vector3.create(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
    image: logoImage,
    hoverText: 'Click',
    url: linktreeURL,
    hasAlpha: true
  1. You can adjust, add, and remove images as needed. Just ensure that the artwork ID, position, and rotation all match.


Customize the Video Art

To change the video art on display:

  1. Open videoArt.ts and locate the videoCollection array:

    export const videoCollection: VideoData[]
  2. Inside videoCollection, you'll find a set of videos that you can manage independently. Each video object includes the following properties:

    • room: Indicates the room where the video will appear (see lazy loading for more info).
    • id: The artwork ID.
    • position: The artwork position (more details in artPositions.ts).
    • rotation: The artwork rotation (more details in artPositions.ts).
    • scale: The artwork scale. Adjust to match your artwork proportions.
    • image: The placeholder image to be displayed when the video isn't playing. You can use a URL or a path to an image in your project folder.
    • video: The video that will play on player approach. It's recommended to use an external streaming service such as Vimeo Pro and use an m3u8 link for better scene performance.
    • hoverText: The text that appears when the cursor is on the video.
    • website: The URL that opens when the video is clicked on. Change it to your desired URL. For organization purposes, all the URLs are in social.ts.
    • triggerScale: The scale of the trigger box. The video will play when a player is inside the trigger box.
    • triggerPosition: The position of the trigger box. The video will play when a player is in this area.
    • audio: Set to true if your video has audio, and false if it doesn't. When a player approaches the video, the radio or playlist will pause and start playing again once the player leaves the trigger area.
    room: 2,
    id: 26,
    position: artPos26,
    rotation: artRot26,
    scale: Vector3.create(6, 8.65, 1),
    image: verticalVideoPlaceholder,
    video: verticalVideo,
    hoverText: 'Click',
    website: linktreeURL,
    triggerScale: Vector3.create(8, 6, 8),
    triggerPosition: Vector3.create(artPos26.x, artPos26.y - 1, artPos26.z + 2),
    audio: true
  1. Adjust, add, and remove videos as needed, ensuring that the artwork ID, position, and rotation all match.

Customize the 3D Art

To change the 3D art on display:

  1. Open kineticArt.ts and locate the kineticArtCollection array:

    export const kineticArtCollection: KineticData[]
  2. Inside kineticArtCollection, you'll find a set of 3D artworks that you can manage independently. Each artwork object includes the following properties:

    • room: Indicates the room where the artwork will appear (see lazy loading for more info).
    • id: The artwork ID.
    • position: The artwork position, rotation, and scale. Adjust to match your artwork proportions.
    • triggerPosition: The position of the trigger box. The 3D art animation will play when a player is in this area.
    • triggerScale: The scale of the trigger box. The 3D art animation will play when a player is inside the trigger box.
    • modelPath: The path to the 3D model. You can switch this to a path in your project folder.
    • animationClip: The name of the animation clip you want to be triggered when a player approaches the art. Defaults to null if no animation is provided.
    • audio: The audio that will play when a player approaches the 3D art. Defaults to null if no audio is provided.
    • url: The website that will open when the 3D art is clicked. Change it to your desired URL. For organization purposes, all the URLs are in social.ts.
    • hoverText: The text that appears when the cursor is on the 3D art.
        room: 2,
        id: 5,
        position: {
            position: artPosC,
            rotation: Quaternion.fromEulerDegrees(artRotC.x, artRotC.y, artRotC.z),
            scale: Vector3.create(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 
        triggerPosition: Vector3.create(0, 0, 0),
        triggerScale: Vector3.create(6, 5, 10), 
        modelPath: kineticArtCircles,
        animationClip: kineticArtCirclesClip,
        audio: null,
        url: linktreeURL,
        hoverText: 'Click'
  1. Adjust, add, and remove 3D artworks as needed, ensuring that the artwork ID, position, rotation, and scale all match.


Customize the Art Hover Details UI

  1. Open artData.ts, you'll find a list of artTitles and artDescriptions matching the Artwork IDs. Update the corresponding artwork ID title and description and the info will be updated in the UI.
//For instance: 

ArtworkID = 1
ArtworkPosition = artPos1
ArtworkRotation = artRot1
artTitle1 = 'your title for Artwork ID 1'
artDescription1 = 'your description for Artwork ID 1'

If you change the position or rotation of your artworks, the artHover details will update automatically as long as you maintain consistency with the artworkID. If you add or remove artworks, update the createArtHovers() function in artHover.ts to include more or less IDs.

    // Add more art hover entities as needed 
    const artworkData = [
          position: Vector3.add(artPositions[0].position, artHoverAdjustments[0].hoverAdjustment),
          rotation: artPositions[0].rotation,
          index: 1,
          title: artDetails[0].title,
          description: artDetails[0].description

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading helps with scene performance by loading and offloading items depending on the player position. In lazyLoading.ts you can add, remove or adjust lazy loading areas. In the function createAllLazyAreas() you can adjust the existing lazy loading area positions, rotations and scales. You can also add or remove lazy loading areas.

To create a lazy area, open lazyLoading.ts and locate createAllLazyAreas(). Inside this function, you can remove, adjust or create a new lazy area:

 const newLazyArea = engine.addEntity()
  Transform.create(lazyArea, {
    position: newPosition,
    rotation: newRotation,
    scale: newScale,
    parent: lazyParent

 createLazyArea(newPosition, newRotation, newLazyArea, newIndexNumber)

// The index number is equivalent to the number order of the lazy areas; the first is 1, the second is 2, the third is 3, the next one would be 4 and so on. This index number is the same as your room id number when creating the artworks.


To toggle between the playlist and the radio, go to audio.ts and change the audioType to 'radio' or 'playlist':

/// Either playlist: 
export const audioType: string = 'playlist'

// Or radio: 
export const audioType: string = 'radio'

Depending on the audioType you set, the playlist or radio UI will appear on the screen. You can adjust them in playlist.ui.tsx and radio.ui.tsx.


Change the radioStation url in audio.ts:

const radioStation = 'https://your-radio-stream-url' // audio streaming url
const radioLink = 'https://your-radio-website' // link to the radio site

Adapt the UI however you like in radio.ui.tsx:

let radioStationName = '24 House Radio'
let textColor = Color4.White()
let smallFont = 10


Open audio.ts and update the data in the playlist Song array to customize the song titles, artists, song durations, and streaming links.

export const playlist: Song[] = [
  { title: 'Song Title', artist: 'Artist', duration: (60 * 60), url: 'https://stream-url' },
  { title: 'Song Title', artist: 'Artist', duration: (60 * 60) + 1, url: 'https://stream-url' },
  { title: 'Song Title', artist: 'Artist', duration: (59 * 60) + 57, url: 'https://stream-url' },

Adapt the UI however you like in playlist.ui.tsx:

 const playlistFontSize = 12;
 const playlistTextColor = Color4.White()
 let songData = `${currentSong.title}`; // displays the title of the song playing


To add an elevator to your scene, copy and paste the Elevator src folder into your scene project and add the following into index.ts:

import { ElevatorModule } from './elevator'



Sliding Doors:

To add sliding doors into your project, copy and paste doors.ts into your scene project and add the following to index.ts:

import { createAllDoors } from './doors'


Inside doors.ts there's a function called createAllDoors() within which you can define the amount of doors, their positions and rotations.

Social Links:

To customize the social media links, navigate to social.ts and update the urls to match your desired sites. You can also adjust the 3D model paths, positions, rotations, hover texts and scale in this file.



To customize the text visible on the NFT Museum, you can hide all visible text from the 3D model and make customizable code based text which you can customize.

  1. Go to text.ts from index.ts and change the showCustomText boolean to true or false.
// Set to true to use custom texts and hide the defaults
let showCustomText: Boolean = false
  1. You can customize any element of the texts on display including words, font, size and color in this file.

image image

Rewards system

To set up rewards claiming, copy and paste the Rewards folder into your project directory. See the contents of the Rewards files for further info.


Find an NFT Urn

To display an NFT you need its urn, here's how to get it:

Example URN: 'urn:decentraland:ethereum:erc721:0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d:558536'
Example URN: 'urn:decentraland:ethereum:erc721:contract-address:identifier'

The example above fetches an NFT with the contract address 0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d, and the specific identifier 558536. The corresponding NFT can be found in OpenSea at

External Image Hosting

To host your images on an external site, instead of uploading them as files in your scene, you can use CORS friendly hosting services such as [] ( Upload your image, click Actions > View URL and copy the full url from the browser.

Change Artwork Positions

To move artwork around head to artData.ts and locate the ArtPostions[] array. All of the artwork positions and rotations are listed inside this array in ascending index order:

export const artPositions: ArtPostions[] = [

    // Ground floor gallery:
    // Back wall three artworks south to north (room: 1)
    { position: Vector3.create(2.79, 3, 9.8), rotation: Vector3.create(0, -90, 0) },
    { position: Vector3.create(2.8, 3.25, 16), rotation: Vector3.create(0, -90, 0) },
    { position: Vector3.create(2.82, 3, 22.19), rotation: Vector3.create(0, -90, 0) },
    // (same setup for ArtworkID 1-30)

Audio Credits

Questions and Feedback

For questions, suggestions and improvements feel free to push directly to this repository or contact @LowPolyModelsW on X and Instagram.