Releases: decentraland/marketplace
Releases · decentraland/marketplace
What's Changed
- feat: Retrieve NFTs with different rental statuses by @LautaroPetaccio in #907
- feat: fix the global CSS selector for the periodDropdown mana component by @juanmahidalgo in #924
- feat: Add tracking for rental events by @juanmahidalgo in #920
Full Changelog: 4.21.0...4.22.0
What's Changed
- feat: Use the existing pages for the ManageAssetPage actions by @juanmahidalgo in #906
- feat: disable most of the Rentals accions in mobile version by @juanmahidalgo in #903
- chore(deps): bump got and swarm-js in /webapp by @dependabot in #847
- fix: add the proper styles to the list for sell button by @juanmahidalgo in #915
- feat: Add to My Lands the rental filter by @LautaroPetaccio in #913
- feat: Add fingerprint when accepting a estate rent by @juanmahidalgo in #918
Full Changelog: 4.20.0...4.21.0
What's Changed
- feat: adjust MVMF banner button margin by @juanmahidalgo in #908
Full Changelog: 4.19.0...4.20.0
What's Changed
- feat: update MVMF text banners by @juanmahidalgo in #902
- fix: fix the fat finger protection for rentals by @juanmahidalgo in #898
- fix: do not show listed tag in the home page by @juanmahidalgo in #904
- feat: adjust banner button size and text by @juanmahidalgo in #905
Full Changelog: 4.18.1...4.19.0
What's Changed
- feat: Add the ConfirmedRentalModal by @juanmahidalgo in #895
- feat: add "target" field as the zero address for now by @juanmahidalgo in #897
- fix: Add the LAND authorizations to array by @juanmahidalgo in #901
Full Changelog: 4.18.0...4.18.1
What's Changed
- feat: Enable the MVMF Badge alongside the Tab by @juanmahidalgo in #892
- feat: Derive parcels in estate for performance by @fzavalia in #837
Full Changelog: 4.17.0...4.18.0
What's Changed
- feat: Add new MVMF banner by @juanmahidalgo in #887
- feat: Add rental toasts by @LautaroPetaccio in #886
- feat: Adapt festival banners to mobile by @juanmahidalgo in #890
- feat: Accept Rental flow by @juanmahidalgo in #888
- feat: Enable the MVMF22 tab while the announcement stage is live by @juanmahidalgo in #891
Full Changelog: 4.16.0...4.17.0
What's Changed
- feat: adds animation to the MVMF svg by @juanmahidalgo in #885
Full Changelog: 4.15.0...4.16.0
What's Changed
- feat: Add wearables and emotes tabs for newest and listing sliders on homepage by @cyaiox in #878
- feat: Introduce the Edit Rental Listing flow by @juanmahidalgo in #868
- feat: Filter collections by category by @cyaiox in #840
- feat: add event background images by @juanmahidalgo in #882
Full Changelog: 4.14.1...4.15.0