Purpose: Provide a high-speed shared library for developers to calculate the properties of water and steam in extensive process simulations, such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), heat cycle calculations, simulations of non-stationary processes, and real-time process optimizations, where the direct IAPWS-IF97 implementation may be unsuitable because of their computing time consumption.
Through the high-speed library, the results of the IAPWS-IF97 are accurately produced at above 3 times computational speed.
Algorithm of the High-speed IAPWS-IF97 Library:
王培红,贾俊颖,程懋华. 水和水蒸汽热力性质IAPWS-IF97公式的通用计算模型[J]. 动力工程. 2001 21(6):1564-1567(EI)
This library is written in ANSI C for faster, smaller binaries and better compatibility for accessing the DLL/SO from different C++ compilers.
For Windows and Linux users, convenient binary packages are provided.
IF97 shared library: Windows(64):libseuif97.dll, Linux(64):libseuif97.so
The package includes bindings for Python, Microsoft Excel.
Python API:seuif97.py
Microsoft Excel Macro: DEMO_SEUIF97.xlsm,SEUIF97.xlam
Author: Cheng Maohua, Southeast University, Nanjing,China (cmh@seu.edu.cn)
- Python API: seuif97.py
copy libseuif97.dll to a default path of Windows dll
copy seuif97.py to a default path of Python lib
copy libseuif97.so to a default path of Linux shared lib
$ sudo cp libseuif97.so /usr/lib/
copy seuif97.py to a default path of Python lib
$ sudo cp seuif97.py /usr/lib/python3.5/
import seuif97
a simple simulator of ideal rankine cycle with libseuif97
to show the object-oriented programming
- Diagram_T-S.py
Excel Add-in Macro: /windows64/SEUIF97.xlam
Excel VBA: /windows64/DEMO_SEUIF97.xlsm
Guide: /doc/SEUIF97_Add-in.doc(Chinese)
seupt( pressure, temperature, propertyID)
seuph( pressure, enthalpy, propertyID)
seups( pressure, entropy, propertyID)
seuhs( enthalpy, entropy, propertyID)
seupx( pressure, quality, propertyID)
seutx( temperature, quality, propertyID)
- propertyID - int,0-29,(see Properties in libseuif97)
Windows64 DLL:libseuif97.dll:
GCC: MingW-GCC 64
- demo.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "seuif97.h"
int main(void) {
double p=16.13;
double t=535;
double h;
printf("(p,t) (%f,%f) h= %f",p,t,h);
- makefile
all: demo.exe
del demo.exe *.o
demo.exe: demo.o libseuif97.dll
gcc -o demo demo.o -L./ -lseuif97
del *.o
demo.o: demo.c seuif97.h
gcc -c demo.c
1 Isentropic Enthalpy Drop: ishd( pi,ti,pe)
pi - double,inlet P; ti - double,inlet T pe - double,outlet P
2 Isentropic Efficiency: ief( pi,ti,pe,te)
pi -double,inlet P; ti - double,inlet T pe -double,outlet P; te - double, outlet T
Properties | Unit | symbol | propertyID |
Pressure | MPa | P | 0 |
Temperature | °C | t | 1 |
Density | kg/m^3 | d | 2 |
Specific Volume | m^3/kg | v | 3 |
Specific enthalpy | kJ/kg | h | 4 |
Specific entropy | kJ/(kg·K) | s | 5 |
Specific exergy | kJ/kg | e | 6 |
Specific internal energy | kJ/kg | u | 7 |
Specific isobaric heat capacity | kJ/(kg·K) | cp | 8 |
Specific isochoric heat capacity | kJ/(kg·K) | cv | 9 |
Speed of sound | m/s | w | 10 |
Isentropic exponent | ks | 11 | |
Specific Helmholtz free energy | kJ/kg | f | 12 |
Specific Gibbs free energy | kJ/kg | g | 13 |
Compressibility factor | z | 14 | |
Steam quality | x | 15 | |
Region | r | 16 | |
Isobaric volume expansion coefficient | 1/K | ec | 17 |
Isothermal compressibility | 1/MPa | kt | 18 |
Partial derivative (dV/dT)p | m3/(kg·K) | dvdt | 19 |
Partial derivative (dV/dP)T | m3/(kg·MPa) | dvdp | 20 |
Partial derivative (dP/dT)v | MPa/K | dpdt | 21 |
Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient | kJ/(kg·MPa) | iJTC | 22 |
Joule-Thomson coefficient | K/MPa | JTC | 23 |
Dynamic viscosity | kg/(m·s) | dv | 24 |
Kinematic viscosity | m^2/s | kv | 25 |
Thermal conductivity | W/(m.K) | tc | 26 |
Thermal diffusivity | um^2/s | td | 27 |
Prandtl number | pr | 28 | |
Surface tension | mN/m | st | 29 |