Releases: deadlykam/CodeOptPro
Releases · deadlykam/CodeOptPro
- Added IUpdate interface. This is needed so that other interfaces can extend from this interface and get the methods. Later may also simplify search for MonoAdv objects by using IUpdate. This may allow other custom classes to be searched as well.
- Added pooling system.
- Added IUpdateManager interface. Now UpdateManagerLocal, UpdateManagerGlobal and UpdateManagerGlobalHelper are child of IUpdateManager. This helps with generic scripts with constraints.
- Added a new feature called Folder Selection Palette. This feature allows the user to store any folder locations and then later can go to those folders instantly, in the Project View, by clicking a button.
- Added FixedLayerMaskVar variable.
- Added Bars.
- Bug: Docking (Fixed) - Fixed the docking issue of the windows.
- Bug: UpdateManager Number of Object Update (Fixed) - There was a bug in UpdateManager where if the _numUpdate was greater than _objects.Count then the update manager would update an object twice per frame. Fixed this bug by selecting the lower value from the two variables _numUpdate and _object.Count.
- Bug: UpdateManager TimeDelta - There was a bug in _timeDelta calculation in UpdateManagers. The fields _objects.Count and _numUpdate where ints so dividing them were giving wrong result. Used float casting to get the correct _timeDelta calculation.
- Bug: UpdateManager TimeDelta Calculation - Now _timeDelta is NOT allowed to go below 1 after calculation. If it does then it will be validated to 1. This was causing some update smoothing issue so calculation had to be changed.
- Added CameraVar variable.
- Added RayHit and RayHitSearch scripts that simplifies the use of ray, is performant friendly and finds the closest/farthest hit object.
- Multiple MonoAdvManager_Call can be used in one scene.
Added count down timer. Also fixed a setting pathing bug.
Added performant way to share and use data types. Also added a feature called Variable Creator for easier creation of variables.
This is the first stable version of the package. Download CodeOptPro-v1.0.0.unitypackage and follow the installation instruction to start using CodeOptPro.