Learn mongo and mongo-express. A project for launching docker based mongodb and admin ui (browser based) for learning basics of mongo db.
- Install Docker (choose suitable version for your OS) - Mac - Windows - Linux
- Install Docker Compose - Instructions
- Clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:ddffx/mongo-with-admin-ui.git
cd mongo-with-admin-ui
create a directory *dbData*, this directory used for mapping a volume for */data/db*
mkdir dbData
docker-compose up
## or if you would like to run the services in the background
docker-compose up -d
Go to http://localhost:8081 in your browser You can create new database, create collections, insert documents and query the collections.
- Open a terminal (mongo and admin ui are already running)
- do
docker ps
to display the list of running containers for the services. Note the name of the mongo container, in this case it is mongowithadminui_mongo_1 and then run below to launch mongo shell
docker exec -it mongowithadminui_mongo_1 mongo