Dan Dediu (Dan.Dediu@mpi.nl) and Scott Moisik (Scott.Moisik@mpi.nl)1
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
December 2015, version 1.1
This document describes the input data, the processing and the output files associated with defining classes of segments on two databases uses two feature systems. Please note that these are released in the hope that they will help the community but with the understanding that this is work in progress and there are bound to be errors and some aspects are known to be incomplete at this time (e.g., the encoding of click accompaniments). Nevertheless we will strive to extend this work and fix the errors and we will release new versions accordingly. The data and code are available on GitHub (https://github.com/ddediu/phon-class-counts).
PHOIBLE http://phoible.org/ (Moran & McCloy, 2014) is a vast database that contains (in the 2014 edition used here) 2155 phonological inventories for 1672 distinct languages (some languages have more than one description available) covering 2160 segment types, as well as a proposed description of its segments in terms of "+", "-", "0" and "" (absent) values on 37 features; we will denote in the following both the database and the feature system as Phoible (or simply P), disambiguating where necessary.
The files ./input/phoible-phonemes.tsv
and ./input/phoible-segments-features.tsv
(TAB-separated, no quotes) contain the segment inventories and feature system respectively in the original format.
Recently, Creanza et al. (2015) have published as Supplementary Materials Online (Datasets S1 and S2) a database collected and curated by Merritt Ruhlen containing the presence/absence of 728 phonemes (after some pre-processing such as removing symbols that seem to stand for more abstract categories, such as "c" and "v" and their variants or "vowelharmony", there are 644 potential phonemes) in 2082 languages; we will denote this database as Ruhlen (or R).
The files ./input/pnas.1424033112.sd01.txt
and ./input/pnas.1424033112.sd02.txt
(plain text) contain the inventories and segments respectively in the original format explained in the files themselves.
Scott Moisik constructed a feature system of a more phonetic nature inspired from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) containing 13 features with each with its own values; we will denote this system as Fonetikode (or F). These features (bold) and their possible values (italic) are:
- GC (general class): c (consonant), v (vowel), ss (suprasegmental/tone);
- VV (vowel vertical or tongue height): c (close), nc (near close), cm (close mid), m (mid), om (open mid), no (near open), o (open);
- VH (vowel horizontal or tongue anteriority): f (front), nf (near front), c (central), nb (near back), b (back);
- VM (vowel modifiers): none, n (nasal), r (round), nr (nasal & round), ur (-round to +round), ru (+round to -roun), un (-nasal to +nasal), nu (+nasal to -nasal), nur (nasalized u), nru (nasalized r);
- CP (consonantal place of articulation): b(bilabial), bld(bilabio-labiodental), ba (bilabio-alveolar), bpa (bilabio-postalveolar), ld (labiodental), lv (labiovelar), lu (labiouvular), ll (linguolabial), i (interdental), d (dental), a (alveolar), pa (postalveolar), r (retroflex), dv (dentivelar), av (alveolovelar), ap (alveolopalatal), p (palatal), pav (postalveolar-velar), v (velar), u (uvular), ph (pharyngeal), e (epiglottal), g (glottal);
- CM (consonantal manner of articulation): s (stop), f (fricative), af (affricate), n (nasal), a (approximant), t (tap/flap), tr (trill), clk (click);
- CS (consonantal sequencer): s (simplex), c (complex), prn (pre- nasalized), pon(post-nasalized), prs(pre-stopped), pos(post-stopped), prg(pre-glottalized), pog(post-glottalized), pra(pre-aspirated), poa (post-aspirated), prag(pre-aspirated & glotatlized), poag(post-aspirated & glottalized);
- Phon (phonation): vl (voiceless), vd (voiced), pvd (pre-voiced voiceless), b (breathy voiced), c (creaky);
- Init (initiation): p (pulmonic egressive), gi (glottal ingressive [implosive]), ge (glottal egressive), vi (velaric ingressive);
- Pri (primary articulation diacritics): none (no primary articulation diacritics), ret (retracted), adv (advanced), mc (mid-centralized), lwd (lowered), rzd (raised), ap (apical ), lam (laminal), dvb (double vertical bar below), dhb (double horizontal bar below), ola (open left angle below), d (dental), c (centralized);
- Sec (secondary articulation diacritics): none (no secondary articulation diacritics), w (labialized), j (palatalized), v (velarized), ph (pharyngealized), jw (palatalized labialized), jv (palatalized velarized), wv (labialized velarized), wph (labialized pharyngealized), l (lateral or lateral release), r (rhoticized/rhotic release), wr (labialized with rhotic release), jr (palatalized with rhotic release), lv (lateral and velarized), lj (lat- eral and palatalized), lw(lateral and labialized), lph(lateral and pharyngealized), glt (glottalized [vowels only]), nas (nasalized), vs (velar stop [clicks only]), vf (velar frication [clicks only]), va (velar affrication [clicks only]), us (uvular stop [clicks only]), uf (uvular frication [clicks only]), ua (uvular affrication [clicks only]);
- Pros (prosodic properties): none (no prosodic properties), syl (syllabic), nsyl (non-syllabic), brev (brief/breve), long (long/geminate), ds (downstep);
- Tone (tone markers): Chao digits (1-5).
The files ./input/phoible_Features_Fonetikode.csv
and ./input/Ruhlen_Features_Fonetikode.csv
(TAB-separated, no quotes) contain the feature system as applied to the Phoible and Ruhlen segments, respectively.
Here we use a procedure described elsewhere (Dediu, forthcoming) for matching the most used language identifiers: ISO 639-3 standard three-letter codes, the WALS three-letter codes, the AUTOTYP numeric codes, and the Glottolog alpha-numeric codes.
These result in combined codes, denoted here as Universally Unique Language IDentifiers (UULID), of the form [i-I][w-W][a-A][g-G] where "I", "W", "A" and "G" stand for the ISO 639-3, WALS, AUTOTYP and Glottolog codes of the language, respectively, where any (or all) of the codes may be missing or have more than one value (separated by "-").
These UULID codes make it easy to cross-reference across linguistic databases.
The file ./input/code_mappings_iso_wals_autotyp_glottolog.csv
(TAB-separated, no quotes) contains this mapping for more than 17,000 linguistic entities (many more than present in the Phoible and Ruhlen databases).
We then used the two features systems to define classes of segments and produce counts of such classes per inventory. More precisely, we used both the Phoible and Fonetikode feature systems to classify the Phoible segments, but only the Fonetikode feature system to classify the Ruhlen segments (as the Phoible system does not cover some of the segments present there). There are currently 174 such classes such as "segment", "mid vowel", "retroflex stop", "bilabial fricative" and "level tone"; the Phoible feature system cannot describe some of these classes (e.g., "level tone", "contour tone", "doubly articulated consonant"). For each inventory in the two databases, we categorized each segment in terms of these classes and produced counts (more details in the section below).
We implemented the procedure as an R
(R Core Team, 2015) script available as ./code/Extract features.r
This script uses libraries stringr
(Wickhamm, 2015), dplyr
(Wickham & Francois, 2015), and parallel
and compiler
(part of standard R
The script has XXX sections.
The first step is to filter the 17,000+ entries in the ./input/code_mappings_iso_wals_autotyp_glottolog.csv
file, retaining only those with geographical information (for plotting and spatial statistics), with Glottolog and ISO 639-3 codes (for cross-referencing with both Phoible and Ruheln databases, among others); the resulting 7519 entries are saved into the ./output/languages-info.csv
(TAB-separated, no quotes) file.
Then we assembled the sets of segments and their occurrence in each language for both Phoible and Ruhlen.
For Phoible, we considered only the inventories marked as *Trump* == 1
(important where there are multiple inventories available for the same language) and for each such inventory (with a well-defined ISO 639-3 code), we extracted its segments.
These segments are collected in a data.frame
(basically a data table with observations as rows and variables as columns) where each row represents one language, and the columns are the ISO 639-3, WALS, AUTOTYP and Glottolog codes, followed by the Ethnologue, WALS, AUTOTYP and Glottolog language names, the Latitude and Logitude, the UULID, and the list of all segments ascertained in the database (a total of 2011 segments such as *R *R̪ *R̪̥ *R̪̰ and so on), where each cell is 0 if the segments in not present in the language's inventory, 1 otherwise.
We saved this collection in the ./output/inventories-phoible.RData
data file, XZ-compressed).
For Ruhlen we produced a similar data table with the same format (saved as the XZ-compressed R
Data ./output/inventories-rhulen.RData
file); processing Ruhlen's database was complicated by the custom format used to encode the original data.
Finally, we built a list of the unique segments that appear in both databases, comprising 2438 unique entries.
We imported the Phoible, Fonetikode for Phoible, and Fonetikode for Ruhlen2 feature systems, defined in the files ./input/phoible-segments-features.tsv
, ./input/phoible_Features_Fonetikode.csv
, and ./input/Ruhlen_Features_Fonetikode.csv
respectively (each row represents one segment the columns the features, and the cells the actual values), and merged them, identifying duplicates or undefined segments, and retaining only the featural defintions for the segments actually present in the inventories.
In total, we have 2008 segments defined in the Phoible system, 2004 in the Fonetikode for Phoible, and 414 in the Fonetikode for Ruhlen.
We have implemented a very flexible and powerful system for specifying sets of features and values and combinations thereof.
The most fundamental operator is .
which takes a set of segments and a description of feature values and returns the segments matching the feature values.
The .
operator supports two ways of describing feature values: the system used by the Phoible features which uses a "+", "-" or "0" preceding the feature name, and the system used by the Fonetikode systems which use the feature names followed by ":" and the feature values separated by ",".
For example, the definition of a "segment" in the two systems is "0tone" (Phoible) and "GC:c,v" (Fonetikode), while a "vowel" is defined as ("+syll" & "-cons" & "+sonorant") and "GC:v", respectively.
Atomic calls to the .
operator can be combined using boolean logic (and, or, not) but also with more advanced processing , resulting in a Turing-complete system.
Each class is thus encapsulated by a function with a pretty transparent definition, allowing the defined classes to be tweaked and new classes to be easily defined.
For each inventory in each of the two databases using the appropriate feature systems, the number of segments in each class is counted, resulting in three CSV (TAB-separated, no quotes) files ./output/counts-fonetikode.csv
(Fonetikode system on Phoible database), ./output/counts-moran.csv
(Phoible system on Phoible database) and ./output/counts-ruhlen.csv
(Fonetikode system on Ruhlen database) containing the languages as rows (identified by their UULID) and the classes as columns, each cell giving the count3 of a class for an inventory.
We merged these counts in the CSV (TAB-separated, no quotes) file ./output/counts-merged.csv
where the class names have suffixes "_F" (for Fonetikode system on Phoible database), "_P" (for Phoible system on Phoible database), and "_R" (for Fonetikode system on Ruhlen database).
Moreover, the CSV (TAB-separated, no quotes) file ./output/counts-merged-separate-codes.csv
also splits the UULIDs into its component codes (ISO 639-3, WALS, AUTOTYP and Glottolog) for easier processing and cross-database matching.
The process also outputs the details about the actual class membership for each class and inventory in the log files (CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes) ./output/log/phoible--fonetikode-features.csv
, ./output/log/phoible--moran-features.csv
and ./output/log/ruhlen--fonetikode-features.csv
In summary, the R
script ./code/Extract features.r
needs several input files and produces multiple output files, all described in the Table below:
File | Location | Type | Format | Comments |
code_mappings_iso_wals_autotyp_glottolog.csv | ./input | input | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Contains the mappings between the ISO 639-3, WALS, AUTOTYP and Glottolog codes, the language name as given by Ethnologue, WALS, AUTOTYP and Glottolog, the language's Latitude and Longitude, and its UULID. |
phoible-segments-features.tsv | ./input | input | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | The Phoible database |
pnas.1424033112.sd01.txt | ./input | input | TEXT custom format | The Ruhlen database (together with the next file) |
pnas.1424033112.sd02.txt | ./input | input | TEXT custom format | The Ruhlen database (together with the previous file). |
phoible-segments-features.tsv | ./input | input | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | The Phoible feature system |
phoible_Features_Fonetikode.csv | ./input | input | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | The Fonetikode feature system for Phoible |
Ruhlen_Features_Fonetikode.csv | ./input | input | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | The Fonetikode feature system for Ruhlen |
languages-info.csv | ./output | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Subset of code_mappings_iso_wals_autotyp_glottolog.csv relevant for the Phoible and Ruheln databases |
inventories-phoible.RData | ./output | output | GZip2-compressed RData | Cached Phoible inventories |
inventories-rhulen.RData | ./output | output | GZip2s-compressed RData | Cached Ruhlen inventories |
counts-fonetikode.csv | ./output | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Category counts for the Phoible database using the Fonetikode feature system |
counts-moran.csv | ./output | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Category counts for the Phoible database using the Phoible feature system |
counts-ruhlen.csv | ./output | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Category counts for the Ruhlen database using the Fonetikode feature system |
counts-merged.csv | ./output | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | The above three count files combined |
counts-merged-separate-codes.csv | ./output | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | The above file with the UULID split into component codes |
phoible--fonetikode-features.csv | ./output/logs | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Details over the actual segments in each class and inventory for Phoible using Fonetikode feature system |
phoible--moran-features.csv | ./output/logs | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Details over the actual segments in each class and inventory for Phoible using the Phoible feature system |
ruhlen--fonetikode-features.csv | ./output/logs | output | CSV, TAB-separated, no quotes | Details over the actual segments in each class and inventory for Rhulen using the Fonetikode feature system |
The R
script ./code/Extract features.r
is released under a GPL version 3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) license.
The input files that belong to us (code_mappings_iso_wals_autotyp_glottolog.csv
, phoible_Features_Fonetikode.csv
and Ruhlen_Features_Fonetikode.csv
) are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), as are all output files.
The input files that do not belong to us are governed by their respective licenses:
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) for the Phoible data (phoible-phonemes.tsv
and phoible-segments-features.tsv
) and by the PNAS terms for the Ruhlen database (pnas.1424033112.sd01.txt
and pnas.1424033112.sd02.txt
1 Author contributions: DD and SM desgined the research; SM defined the Fonetikode feature system and applied it to the Phoible and Ruhlen databases; SM defined the segment classes and their specification in both feature systems; DD wrote the R
script and generated the UULIDs; DD and SM checked the results; DD wrote this report. ↩
2 We needed to specify two different Fonetikode feature systems, one for the Phoible and on for the Ruheln databases, because these two use different transcription conventions and it was not always trivial to determine the correspondence between them, or actual the meaning of several symbols in the Ruhlen database. ↩
3 Please note that some of these "counts" are in fact ratios of counts (e.g., "ratio.voiced.voiceless.obstruents"). ↩
Creanza, N., Ruhlen, M., Pemberton, T. J., Rosenberg, N. A., Feldman, M. W., & Ramachandran, S. (2015). A comparison of worldwide phonemic and genetic variation in human populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(5):1265-1272. doi:10.1073/pnas.1424033112.
Dediu, D. (forthcoming), Language classifications as standardized Newick phylogenetic trees with branch length.
Moran, Steven & McCloy, Daniel & Wright, Richard (eds.) 2014. PHOIBLE Online.
R Core Team (2015). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL https://www.R-project.org/.
Wickhamm, H. (2015). stringr: Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations. R package version 1.0.0. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stringr.
Wickham, H., & Francois, R. (2015). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 0.4.3. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr.