This library was created following the series How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library by @kentcdodds for
npm install -g dc-utils
var dc = require('dc-utils')
// check if an array
dc.isArray(['2', 'a', '4']) //true
dc.isArray(42) //false
// sorting an array
var arr = [7, 5, 3, 10, 6, 1 ,8]
dc.sort(arr) // [1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
dc.sort(42) // []
// sorting using a comparisson function
var arr = [
{ first: 'daniel', last: 'cortes' },
{ first: 'tim', last: 'drake' },
{ first: 'bruce', last: 'wayne' },
{ first: 'kate', last: 'kane'}
// output:
// [ { first: 'bruce', last: 'wayne' },
// { first: 'daniel', last: 'cortes' },
// { first: 'kate', last: 'kane'},
// { first: 'tim', last: 'drake' }
// ]
The code used by this library was adapted from the book "Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford."