This example represents a Luigi navigation configuration example including parameters described in the navigation parameters reference.
Note that this is not a functional example, as its purpose is to illustrate different configuration options. For example, the line children: [node, node, node]
will return an error because node
is just a placeholder which has to be replaced by actual nodes.
routing: {
// uses hash-based navigation if set to true
useHashRouting: true,
nodeParamPrefix: '~',
showModalPathInUrl: true,
modalPathParam: 'modal'
skipRoutingForUrlPatterns: [/access_token=/, /id_token=/]
// navigation structure and settings
navigation: {
nodeAccessibilityResolver: function (nodeToCheckPermissionFor, parentNode, currentContext) {},
viewGroupSettings: {
main: {
preloadUrl: '',
projects: {
preloadUrl: '',
envs: {
preloadUrl: '',
nodes: [
// STATIC navigation node
pathSegment: 'settings',
label: 'Settings',
viewUrl: '',
viewGroup: 'settingsGroup',
// optional
children: [node, node, node],
hideFromNav: false,
isolateView: false,
icon: 'settings',
testId: 'myTestId',
category: {
label: 'General',
testId: 'myTestId',
icon: 'general'
}, // OR
category: 'General'
// DYNAMIC navigation node
navigationContext: 'contextName',
pathSegment: ':projectId',
testId: 'myTestId',
viewUrl: '/some/path/:projectId',
context: {
projectId: ':projectId'
children: [node, node, node]
// Implicit structural node
pathSegment: 'project/:projectId',
viewUrl: '/some/path/:projectId',
children: [node, node, node]
// View groups nodes
viewGroup: 'main',
pathSegment: 'overview',
label: 'Overview',
viewUrl: ''
viewGroup: 'main',
pathSegment: 'preload',
viewUrl: ''
viewGroup: 'projects',
pathSegment: 'projects',
label: 'Projects',
viewUrl: '',
children: [
pathSegment: 'preloading',
viewUrl: ''
viewGroup: 'envs',
pathSegment: 'create-environment',
viewUrl: '',
context: {
label: 'Create Environment'
viewGroup: 'envs',
pathSegment: 'environments',
viewUrl: '',
children: [
pathSegment: 'preload',
viewUrl: ''
pathSegment: 'env1',
viewUrl: ''
contextSwitcher: {
defaultLabel: 'Select Environment ...',
testId: 'myTestId',
parentNodePath: '/environments',
lazyloadOptions: false,
fallbackLabelResolver: (id) => (id.toUpperCase()),
useFallbackLabelCache: true,
options: [{label,pathValue}, {label,pathValue}],
actions: [{label,link,position,clickHandler}]
profile: {
logout: {
label: 'End session',
// icon: "sys-cancel",
testId: 'myTestId',
customLogoutFn: myLogoutFn
items: [
icon: '',
testId: 'myTestId',
label: 'Luigi landing page',
externalLink: {
url: '',
sameWindow: false
icon: '',
label: 'Project 1',
link: '/projects/pr1'
productSwitcher: {
label: 'My Products',
testId: 'myTestId',
icon: 'grid',
items: [
icon: '',
label: 'Luigi landing page',
testId: 'myTestId',
externalLink: {
url: '',
sameWindow: false
icon: '',
label: 'Project 1',
testId: 'myTestId',
link: '/projects/pr1'