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376 lines (299 loc) · 17.9 KB

Luigi Core Installation

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This document shows you how to set up a web application using the Luigi micro frontend framework. This involves a few basic steps:

  • Adding Luigi's npm packages to your project dependencies.
  • Giving Luigi exclusive control over your entry index.html file.
  • Starting the server to run your application.

All those steps are achieved through a single installer script which sets up a Luigi application on your system. Keep in mind that if you have a single page application, you need to transfer it to a "two-page application". You should run your application to make sure the existing router doesn't interfere.

Choose the framework to build your application:

Application setup without a framework

NOTE: You need a development server capable of hosting Single Page Applications. The recommended server is Live Server.

  1. Use the following installer to create a directory for your application, install Luigi, make assets available, and start your local server:
bash <(curl -s

or execute these commands manually to get the same result:

Click to expand

mkdir my-new-app && cd my-new-app

npm init -y > /dev/null

# add "start" command to the package.json file. This command is split into 2 lines on purpose!
sed 's/"scripts": {/"scripts": {\
\   "buildConfig":"webpack --entry .\/src\/luigi-config\/luigi-config.es6.js --output-path .\/public\/assets --output-filename luigi-config.js --mode production",/1' package.json > p.tmp.json && mv p.tmp.json package.json
sed 's/"scripts": {/"scripts": {\
\   "start":"live-server --entry-file=index.html public",/1' package.json > p.tmp.json && mv p.tmp.json package.json

npm i -save @luigi-project/core @luigi-project/client fundamental-styles @sap-theming/theming-base-content live-server webpack webpack-cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader 
mkdir -p public/assets
mkdir -p src/luigi-config

# download assets
curl > public/index.html
curl > src/luigi-config/luigi-config.es6.js
curl > public/assets/basicMicroFrontend.html

cp -r node_modules/\@luigi-project/core public/luigi-core
cp -r node_modules/\@luigi-project/client public/luigi-client
cp -r node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist public/fundamental-styles
cp -r node_modules/@sap-theming/theming-base-content public/theming-base-content

echo "Building config with command: npm run buildConfig"
npm run buildConfig

echo "Running live-server with command: npm run start"
npm run start
  1. Open the directory where Luigi is installed. Search for the luigi-config.js file which you can use to configure Luigi navigation, authorization, general settings and more.

Application setup for Angular

NOTE: The Angular CLI is a prerequisite for this example.

  1. If you do not have the Angular CLI installed, download and install it from here.

  2. Use the installer to create your application, install Luigi, make assets available, and serve your application:

bash <(curl -s

or execute these commands manually to get the same result:

Click to expand

ng new my-angular-app --routing && cd my-angular-app

npm i -P @luigi-project/core @luigi-project/client fundamental-styles@0.11.0 @sap-theming/theming-base-content webpack@4.43.0 webpack-cli@3.3.12 @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader 
sed 's/"scripts": {/"scripts": {\
\   "buildConfig":"webpack --entry .\/src\/luigi-config\/luigi-config.es6.js --output-path .\/src\/assets --output-filename luigi-config.js --mode production",/1' package.json > p.tmp.json && mv p.tmp.json package.json
mkdir -p src/luigi-config

 # the following steps can be copy and pasted to the terminal at once
mv src/index.html src/angular.html

# download assets
curl > src/index.html
curl > src/luigi-config/luigi-config.es6.js
curl > src/assets/basicMicroFrontend.html

# string replacements in some files
sed 's#"src/index.html"#"src/angular.html"#g' angular.json > tmp.json && mv tmp.json angular.json

sed 's#"src/styles.css"#"src/styles.css",\
              "node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist/fundamental-styles.css"#g' angular.json > tmp.json && mv tmp.json angular.json
sed 's#"src/assets"#"src/assets",\
              {"glob": "fundamental-styles.css","input": "node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist","output": "/fundamental-styles"},\
              {"glob": "*","input": "node_modules/@sap-theming/theming-base-content","output": "/fonts"},\
              {"glob": "**","input": "node_modules/@luigi-project/core","output": "/luigi-core"},\
              {"glob": "luigi-client.js","input": "node_modules/@luigi-project/client","output": "/luigi-client"}#g' angular.json > tmp.json && mv tmp.json angular.json

npm run buildConfig
npm run start
  1. Open the directory where Luigi is installed. Search for the luigi-config.js file which you can use to configure Luigi navigation, authorization, general settings and more.

Application setup for SAPUI5/OpenUI5

  1. Use the installer to create a directory for your application, install Luigi, make assets available, and start your local server:
bash <(curl -s

or execute these commands manually to get the same result:

Click to expand

mkdir my-ui5-app && cd my-ui5-app
npm init -y
echo "Creating folders and downloading example assets"
mkdir -p ./webapp/home ./webapp/libs ./webapp/sample1 ./webapp/sample2 ./webapp/i18n

export UI5EX_REPO_URL=""

curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample2/Sample2.view.xml > ./webapp/sample2/Sample2.view.xml
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample2/sample2.html > ./webapp/sample2/sample2.html
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample2/index.js > ./webapp/sample2/index.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample2/Sample2.controller.js > ./webapp/sample2/Sample2.controller.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/home/Home.view.xml > ./webapp/home/Home.view.xml
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/home/Home.controller.js > ./webapp/home/Home.controller.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/favicon.ico > ./webapp/favicon.ico
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/index.html > ./webapp/index.html
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/luigi-config.js > ./webapp/luigi-config.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/openui5.html > ./webapp/openui5.html
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/libs/.gitignore > ./webapp/libs/.gitignore
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/Component.js > ./webapp/Component.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample1/index.js > ./webapp/sample1/index.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample1/Sample1.controller.js > ./webapp/sample1/Sample1.controller.js
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample1/sample1.html > ./webapp/sample1/sample1.html
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/sample1/Sample1.view.xml > ./webapp/sample1/Sample1.view.xml
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/logo.png > ./webapp/logo.png
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/manifest.json > ./webapp/manifest.json
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/i18n/ > ./webapp/i18n/
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/webapp/i18n/ > ./webapp/i18n/
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/ui5.yaml > ./ui5.yaml
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/ > ./
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/.gitignore > ./.gitignore
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/package-lock.json > ./package-lock.json
curl --silent $UI5EX_REPO_URL/package.json > ./package.json

npm i
npm run build
npm run start
  1. Open the directory where Luigi is installed. Open the webapp/luigi-config.js file which you can use to configure Luigi navigation, authorization, general settings and more.

Application setup for VUE.JS

NOTE: The VUE CLI is a prerequisite for this example.

  1. If you do not have VUE CLI installed, use this command to install it.
npm install -g @vue/cli
  1. Use the installer to create your application, install Luigi, make assets available, and serve your application:
bash <(curl -s

or execute these commands manually to get the same result:

Click to expand

vue create -d my-vue-app && cd my-vue-app
npm i vue-router vuex @luigi-project/core @luigi-project/client fundamental-styles @sap-theming/theming-base-content
npm i -D sass-loader node-sass webpack@4.43.0 webpack-cli@3.3.12 @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader

mkdir -p src/luigi-config src/assets/scss src/views public/assets

# cleanup default installation
rm public/index.html src/app.vue # remove default index, will be replaced with example assets
rm -rf src/components

echo "@import '~fundamental-styles/dist/fundamental-styles.css';
" > src/assets/scss/style.scss

# fetch assets from vue example
curl > public/sampleapp.html
curl > src/app.vue
curl > src/main.js
curl > src/router.js
curl > src/store.js
curl > src/views/home.vue
curl > src/views/sample1.vue
curl > src/views/sample2.vue
curl > src/luigi-config/luigi-config.es6.js

# generic assets
curl > public/index.html

# set scripts
sed 's/"scripts": {/"scripts": {\
  \  "buildConfig":"webpack --entry .\/src\/luigi-config\/luigi-config.es6.js --output-path .\/public\/assets --output-filename luigi-config.js --mode production",/1' package.json > p.tmp.json && mv p.tmp.json package.json

echo "const webpack = require('webpack');
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  pages: {
    sampleapp: {
      entry: 'src/main.js',
      template: 'public/sampleapp.html',
      filename: 'sampleapp.html'
  runtimeCompiler: true,
  outputDir: 'dist',
  configureWebpack: {
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.css$/,
          use: ['css-loader']
          test: /\.scss$/,
          use: ['sass-loader']
    plugins: [
      new CopyWebpackPlugin(
            from: 'node_modules/fundamental-styles/dist',
            to: './fundamental-styles'
            from: 'node_modules/@sap-theming/theming-base-content',
            to: './fonts'
  };" > vue.config.js

npm run buildConfig

npm run serve
  1. Open the directory where Luigi is installed. Search for the luigi-config.js file you can use to configure Luigi navigation, authorization, general settings and more.

Application setup for React

  1. Use the installer to create your application, install Luigi, make assets available, and serve your application:
bash <(curl -s

or execute these commands manually to get the same result:

Click to expand

npx create-react-app my-react-app && cd my-react-app

# eject project to customize webpack configs
echo yes | npm run eject

# install dependencies
npm i -P @luigi-project/core @luigi-project/client fundamental-styles@0.11.0 @sap-theming/theming-base-content react-router-dom
npm i copy-webpack-plugin@5 webpack webpack-cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader --save-dev

# replace strings in some places
sed "s/const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');/const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');/g" config/webpack.config.js > config/webpack.config.tmp.js && mv config/webpack.config.tmp.js config/webpack.config.js
sed "s/new HtmlWebpackPlugin(/new CopyWebpackPlugin([\
  {context: 'public', to: 'index.html', from: 'index.html'  },\
  {context: 'node_modules\/@luigi-project\/core',to: '.\/luigi-core',from: {glob: '**',dot: true}}],\
  {ignore: ['.gitkeep', '**\/.DS_Store', '**\/Thumbs.db'],debug: 'warning'\
  new HtmlWebpackPlugin(/g" config/webpack.config.js > config/webpack.config.tmp.js && mv config/webpack.config.tmp.js config/webpack.config.js
sed "s/template: paths.appHtml,/template: paths.appHtml,\
  filename: 'sampleapp.html',/g" config/webpack.config.js > config/webpack.config.tmp.js && mv config/webpack.config.tmp.js config/webpack.config.js
sed "s/public\/index.html/public\/sampleapp.html/g" config/paths.js > config/paths.tmp.js && mv config/paths.tmp.js config/paths.js
sed "s/publicUrl + '\/index.html',/publicUrl + '\/sampleapp.html',/g" config/webpack.config.js > config/webpack.config.tmp.js && mv config/webpack.config.tmp.js config/webpack.config.js
sed "s/const isWsl = require('is-wsl');//g" config/webpack.config.js > config/webpack.config.tmp.js && mv config/webpack.config.tmp.js config/webpack.config.js
sed "s/!isWsl/true/g" config/webpack.config.js > config/webpack.config.tmp.js && mv config/webpack.config.tmp.js config/webpack.config.js

echo "const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    entry: './src/luigi-config/luigi-config.es6.js',
    output: {
        filename: 'luigi-config.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),

sed 's/"scripts": {/"scripts": {\
\    "buildConfig":"webpack --config webpack.config.js",/1' package.json > p.tmp.json && mv p.tmp.json package.json

echo '{
    "globals": {
        "Luigi": "readonly"

# downloads
mkdir -p src/luigi-config
curl > public/index.html
curl > public/sampleapp.html
curl > src/luigi-config/luigi-config.es6.js

# add index.js
curl > src/index.js
curl > src/index.css

# add views
mkdir src/views
curl > src/views/home.js
curl > src/views/sample1.js
curl > src/views/sample2.js

npm i
npm run buildConfig
npm start
  1. Open the directory where Luigi is installed. Search for the luigi-config.js file which you can use to configure Luigi navigation, authorization, general settings and more.