Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
There are several scenarios where you have different configurations for different environments like dev, test, prod etc. (in real life there are usually more environments than three.).
Now you need to produce different artifacts for example war files for those different environments. A combination of maven-assembly-plugin and some descriptors will solve this. Also this can be enhanced for other things as well.
The problem becomes worse if you have more than two or three environments than the configuration with maven-assembly-plugin etc. became cumbersome. This plugin will exactly handle such scenarios.
The scenarios are the following. Producing artifacts which include the configuration for each environment: or artifacts which contain only the configuration: for the appropriate environment.
Let us assume you have several environments like dev-01
, dev-02
, test-01
and finally prod
. We will make the situation simpler for this
example and assume having only a single module build which produces a
single war
file as a result.
The prerequisite to use the MultiEnv Maven Plugin is to create a directory structure similar like the following:
βββ main
βββ environments
Β Β βββ dev-01
Β Β βΒ Β βββ first.properties
Β Β βββ dev-02
Β Β βΒ Β βββ first.properties
Β Β βββ test-01
Β Β βΒ Β βββ first.properties
Β Β βββ test-02
Β Β βΒ Β βββ first.properties
Β Β βββ prod
Β Β βββ first.properties
In result the MultiEnv Maven Plugin will automatically create the
appropriate war files containing the configuration file first.properties
(just a single file for brevity in this example) which might contain some information like
the database connections url etc. for the appropriate environment.
You can of course put several different files into the different environment directories. It is also possible to create a directory structure under the appropriate environment. This will also be packaged into the resulting artifact.
The environment name (directory name dev-01
, dev-02
, test-01
etc.) will
automatically being used as classifier for the appropriate artifact. So we
would get the following files after running MultiEnv Maven Plugin via
(assuming you have configured it correctly):
mvn clean package
- artifactId-version-dev-01.war
- artifactId-version-dev-02.war
- artifactId-version-test-01.war
- artifactId-version-test-02.war
- artifactId-version-prod.war
If you need to add a new environment this can simply being achieved by adding a
new directory under environments
which might being called qa-01
plus the
information you would like to configure and that's it. MultiEnv Maven
Plugin will automatically identify the new environment by searching in the
environment directory and producing an appropriate artifact out of it.
Those above packages contain the original war
file content as well
as the supplemental files/directories which have been given for the
appropriate environments.
In this example we would like to create configuration artifacts for each environment.
The configuration looks exactly the same in Example 1
except for the used goal. So you need to change the
goal from environment
to configuration
in the plugin configuration.
By using the:
mvn clean package
you will produce the following artifacts:
- artifactId-version-dev-01.jar
- artifactId-version-dev-02.jar
- artifactId-version-test-01.jar
- artifactId-version-test-02.jar
- artifactId-version-prod.jar
As you might already realized that those files are not war
files. The
files are jar files which contain the configuration for each environment.
To configure MultiEnv Maven Plugin you simply add the following to your pom file (we assume here a war file):
<enabled>true</enabled><!-- by default true, but you can disable it with some property for example -->
Based on the given directory structure files like first.properties
etc. will be
filtered before they are packaged into the resulting artifacts. This means you
can use things like ${project.version}
in your files or other self defined
- Using filename/directory filtering ?
- Different files for different environments
- Much more convenient
- less configuration.
- Dynamically add new environments
- No Profiles needed.
- MultiEnv Maven Plugin in a different maven project within multi module build? How does that work?
- Overwriting of file which exist in the original artifact? How to handle?
- Produce an artifact only for a single environment?
mvn -Dmultienv.environment=test-01 clean package
Is this a good idea? - Do filtering for each environment separately. So we could inject the name of the environment. This can be used put the name of the environment into the resulting files via filtering.