- container
Hosts the Container class.
- controls
Hosts all player-controls-related code and the Controls class.
- dispatcher
Hosts all event-related code and the Dispatcher class.
- errors
Hosts all error-related code and the PlayerError class.
- helpers
Hosts all helper functions.
- interval
Hosts the MasterInterval class.
- player
Hosts the Player class.
- video
Hosts the Video class.
- defaultStyles :
The default styles for the video player.
- events :
The official list of valid video player events.
- playIcon :
The SVG markup for the "play" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
- pauseIcon :
The SVG markup for the "pause" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
- previousIcon :
The SVG markup for the "previous" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
- nextIcon :
The SVG markup for the "next" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
- loadingIcon :
The SVG markup for the loading icon. Taken from Sam Herbet's collection here: http://samherbert.net/svg-loaders/
- layout :
The CSS layout defaults for the video player.
- readyStates :
Aliases for the video element ready states.
- selectors :
CSS selectors for the video player.
Hosts the Container class.
Kind: inner class of container
The video player's outer HTML.
Param | Type | Description |
props | object |
Configuration for the container. |
dispatcher | object |
The Dispatcher instance of the video player. |
The default player dimensions if neither "resizeToFitParent" nor "dimensions" are passed on instantiation.
Kind: inner constant of container
Hosts all player-controls-related code and the Controls class.
Kind: inner class of controls
Facilitates user interaction with the video player.
Param | Type | Description |
player | object |
The video player instance. |
parentNode | object |
The element to append the controls to. |
- Determines if the submitted event is officially recognized by the player.
Kind: inner method of controls
Param | Type | Description |
event | string |
The event being assessed. |
Hosts all event-related code and the Dispatcher class.
Kind: inner class of dispatcher
Coordinates internal video player events. The Dispatcher instance for the video player gets initialized as a property of the Player instance, then passed to sub-components of the player on their instantiation. This way, events emitted on sub-components can bubble up to the player's interface.
Param | Type | Description |
debug | boolean |
Whether the player is initialized in developer mode. |
Hosts all error-related code and the PlayerError class.
Kind: inner class of errors
Describes and reports internal player errors.
Param | Type | Description |
props | object |
Error data. |
dispatcher | object |
The Dispatcher instance of the video player. |
Hosts all helper functions.
- helpers
- ~DOMHelpers :
- ~mathHelpers :
- ~DOMHelpers :
DOM-related helper functions.
Kind: inner namespace of helpers
Math-related helper functions.
Kind: inner namespace of helpers
Hosts the MasterInterval class.
Kind: inner class of interval
Handles all interval-based checks.
Hosts the Player class.
Kind: inner class of player
The interface for a video player instance.
Param | Type | Description |
props | object |
Configuration options for the player. |
Hosts the Video class.
Kind: inner class of video
Video instances within the player.
Param | Type | Description |
props | object |
Configuration for the video. |
dispatcher | object |
The Dispatcher instance of the video player. |
Kind: global class
Gets instantiated and written to the window as the value of "globalVarName" in package.json.
Generates a new instance of the Player class and exposes a limited interface.
Kind: static method of Dart
The default styles for the video player.
The official list of valid video player events.
The SVG markup for the "play" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
The SVG markup for the "pause" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
The SVG markup for the "previous" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
The SVG markup for the "next" button. Taken from the "Feather" collection at https://feathericons.com/.
The SVG markup for the loading icon. Taken from Sam Herbet's collection here: http://samherbert.net/svg-loaders/
The CSS layout defaults for the video player.
Aliases for the video element ready states.
CSS selectors for the video player.
Kind: global constant