- Updated scripts for new MongoClient.
- Update pymatgen vand other dependencies.
- Refactor of builders (mgbuild and matgendb.builders) to improve usability. Github issues #9 through #13.
- Also for 'builders', added incremental building
- Added modules dbgroup and dbconfig for more flexible and powerful configuration of multiple databases with a directory of configuration files.
New mgvv diff features.
- Configure from YAML file
- Improved JSON output
- Add JSON reports to a database
- Sort numeric diffs by delta value
- mgvv diff HTML output can make they key field into a hyperlink using a user-provided prefix
- Added brief introduction to mgvv in front page of Sphinx docs
- mgvv diff can perform numeric diffs. Better error handling.
- New package maintainer, Dan Gunter <dkgunter@lbl.gov>
- Added vv.diff package and associated mgvv diff subcommand, for taking the difference of two arbitrary MongoDB collections.
- Some cleanup and simplification of config files. user and password are accepted as aliases for readonly_user and readonly_password.
- MAPI_KEY is now a db config file variable.
- Minor bug fix release.
- Add option to use the Materials API to obtain stability data during run insertion.
- Materials Genomics UI now supports setting a limit on number of results returned.
- Improvements to mgdb script to allow setting of hosts, etc.
- Significant update to materials genomics ui. Ability to export table data to CSV, XLS or PDF.
- First vof RESTful interface implemented.