- Create project repository on GitHub
- Create project structure in intellij and push
- Add link to list of indie projects in student repo.
- Complete Problem Statement
- Determine possible Web Services or APIs to use
- List technologies, versions and how they will be used
- Weekly reflection
- Write project plan
- Screen design
- Triple-check for Checkpoint 1
- Vertabelo model of database
- Create the database
- Create user table
- Create post table
- Select Template | Design CSS
- Document application flow in text and pictures - figma
- Create a home screen
- Brainstorm some technical components of ethical design
- Tag different kinds of sensitive content (politics, nudity, drugs/alcohol), allow users to filter certain content out
- Include a settings page that gives user options w/r/t how much time they want to spend on the app, what times of day they want to use it, etc
- Create a way to enforce these user preferences
- add user and post entities with hibernate annotations
- add user and post servlets
- generic dao class
- Weekly reflection
- Work on design
- redo db model to accommodate many-to-many relationship
- get bridging table to work with hibernate
- continue writing unit tests
- fix log4j file appender error
- servlet and jsp for displaying posts
- servlet and jsp for displaying posts by tags
- servlet and jsp for displaying users
- cognito debugging
- separate sign up and create user logic
- create form for creating post
- create form for adding user details to db
- jsp logic for displaying profile depending on whether user is signed in
- navbar conditional display of icons depending on user log in status
- log out
- filtering by tag
- escape special characters in forms
- deleting a post
- get tiny api to work
- sort posts by most recent
- diagram out all logic flows in app
- create customer error handlers for 404, 500
- fix padding around picture on home page
- allow user to edit profile
- fix bug where post tags aren't saved when post is updated
- display the selected tags when updating a post (iss009)
- fix date formatting on all_posts.jsp where time always set to 12:00 am
- admin privileges
- add color scheme
- implement upload picture logic
- post pagination
- add API service to project
- implement post filtering logic
- allow users to comment
- add to user stories
- continue adding a refining custom error pages
- make sure all methods are commented
- run jdoc on project
- Final Presentation
- Create video, add video link to readme.md
- Finalize all documentation
- Code quality check
- Weekly journal entry
- Final touches before code complete