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This package implements various flow-based MCMC algorithms for statistical analyses and sampling.


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Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Normalizing Flows

This package provides various sampling algorithms that utilize normalizing flows (NF):

  • Independent Metropolis Hastings (IMH)
  • Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA)
  • Unadjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA)
  • NeuTra HMC
  • Transport elliptical slice sampling (TESS)
  • Deterministic Langevin Monte Carlo (DLMC)

The following algorithms are yet to be added:

  • Preconditioned Monte Carlo (PMC)
  • Flow annealed importance sampling bootstrap (FAB)
  • Nested sampling (NS)
  • Stochastic normalizing flows (SNF)
  • Annealed flow transport Monte Carlo (AFT)
  • Continual repeated annealed flow transport Monte Carlo (CRAFT)

We term such NF-based MCMC algorithms as NFMC.

Usage instructions

NFMC algorithms require a target potential and an NF object. The potential is a function that computes the negative unnormalized log probability density of the target distribution. Example potentials are provided in the accompanying potentials package. This package depends on torchflows for NF definitions. Please implement custom NF architectures in torchflows for compatibility with this package.

An example using Real NVP and a standard Gaussian potential is shown below.

import torch
from nfmc import sample

torch.manual_seed(0)  # Set the random seed for reproducible results

n_iterations = 1000
n_chains = 100
n_dim = 25  # Each draw (event) is a vector with size 25.

# Define the target potential
def standard_gaussian_potential(x):
    return torch.sum(x ** 2, dim=-1)

# Draw samples with Jump MALA (also local-global MALA)
mala_out = sample(

To use different samplers, pass the following keyword arguments to the sample function:

from nfmc import sample

sample(..., strategy='jump_mh')         # Metropolis-Hastings with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='imh')             # Independent Metropolis-Hastings
sample(..., strategy='adaptive_imh')    # Adaptive independent Metropolis-Hastings
sample(..., strategy='jump_mala')       # Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='jump_ula')        # Unadjusted Langevin algorithm with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='jump_hmc')        # Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='jump_uhmc')       # Unadjusted Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='jump_ess')        # Elliptical slice sampling with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='jump_ess')        # Elliptical slice sampling with NF jumps
sample(..., strategy='tess')            # Transport elliptical slice sampling
sample(..., strategy='dlmc')            # Deterministic Langevin Monte Carlo
sample(..., strategy='neutra_hmc')      # NeuTra HMC
sample(..., strategy='neutra_mh')       # NeuTra MH

The output of the sample method is an MCMCOutput object with useful properties for model analyses and sampler debugging:

out = sample(...)

out.samples         # tensor of samples
out.mean            # mean tensor
out.variance        # variance tensor
out.second_moment   # second moment tensor
out.statistics      # MCMCStatistics object with convergence monitoring logs and other MCMC-related quantities (e.g., acceptance rate, number of target calls, number of target gradient calls)  

Other samplers may be used by explicitly creating the sampler object and calling the sample method. We provide an example for Jump HMC and the standard Gaussian potential:

import torch
from nfmc.algorithms.sampling.nfmc.jump import JumpHMC

event_shape = (10,)

def standard_gaussian_potential(x):
    return torch.sum(x ** 2, dim=-1)

sampler = JumpHMC(event_shape, standard_gaussian_potential)

n_chains = 100
x_initial = torch.randn(size=(n_chains, *event_shape)) / 10
out = sampler.sample(x_initial)

You can check the list of supported NFs with:

from nfmc.util import get_supported_normalizing_flows



This package was tested with Python version 3.10, however we expect Python versions 3.7+ to also work. This package depends on torchflows.

Install the package directly from Github:

pip install git+

To alternatively configure the package for local development, clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone
pip install torchflows


We warmly welcome any contributions or comments. Some aspects of the package that can be improved:

  • Additional sampler tests.
  • Implementation of PMC, NS, SNF, AFT, CRAFT, FAB and other NFMC methods.
  • Configuring a continuous integration pipeline with Github actions.
  • Suggestions for improved default sampler hyperparameters.


If you use this code in your work, we kindly ask that you cite the accompanying paper:

Nabergoj and Štrumbelj: Empirical evaluation of normalizing flows in Markov Chain Monte Carlo, 2024. arxiv:2412.17136.

BibTex entry:

    author = {Nabergoj, David and \v{S}trumbelj, Erik},
    title = {Empirical evaluation of normalizing flows in {Markov} {Chain} {Monte} {Carlo}},
    publisher = {arXiv},
    month = dec,
    year = {2024},
    note = {arxiv:2412.17136}


This package implements various flow-based MCMC algorithms for statistical analyses and sampling.








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