diff --git a/Communication.md b/Communication.md index b78296a..0eece21 100644 --- a/Communication.md +++ b/Communication.md @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Communication is the science of transmitting knowledge to other humans. It goes - **You can not not communicate**. Not discussing the elephant in the room is communicating. Few things are as important to study, practice, and perfect as clear communication. - Whenever possible, communicate directly with those you're addressing rather than passing the message through intermediaries. - Communication between [a large group](https://twitter.com/RichRogers_/status/1159872097205805056) is hard. Noise in the processes might change the message and cause conflicts. Nuance is hard to convey in groups. + - The [biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished](https://jabian.com/blog/the-illusion-of-communication). - Some tips to simplify communications: - Use a few bullet points to put attention on the main points you want to convey. - Without going overboard, use a tasteful amount of graphic design (e.g: bolding one key sentence). diff --git a/Company Handbooks.md b/Company Handbooks.md index 1748288..d245918 100644 --- a/Company Handbooks.md +++ b/Company Handbooks.md @@ -19,16 +19,22 @@ Handbooks are key for good [[Company Knowledge Management]]. - [MUI](https://mui-org.notion.site/Handbook-f086d47e10794d5e839aef9dc67f324b) - [Source{d}](https://github.com/src-d/guide) - [Bonusly](https://github.com/bonusly/un-handbook) +- [Hanno](https://playbook.hanno.co/) - [Remote](https://www.notion.so/remotecom/Handbook-a3439c6ccaac4d5f8c7515c357345c11) - [PostHog](https://posthog.com/handbook) - [Meltano](https://handbook.meltano.com/) +More examples in the [Handbook of Handbooks](https://hackmd.io/@yHk1snI9T9SNpiFu2o17oA/Skh_dXNbE?type=view). + ### Cooperatives - [Loomio](https://www.loomio.coop/) - [Catalyst](https://catalystcoop-handbook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) - [Hypha](https://handbook.hypha.coop/) - [Enspiral](https://handbook.enspiral.com/) +- [Greaterthan](https://handbook.greaterthan.works/) - [Root Systems](https://github.com/root-systems/handbook) - [Life Itself](https://lifeitself.org/tao/) - [Campight](https://camplight.net/public/documents/guidebook.pdf) +- [CrispDNA](https://dna.crisp.se/docs/index.html) +- [Disco.coop](https://manifesto.disco.coop/) diff --git a/Feedback.md b/Feedback.md index b91226b..c365d89 100644 --- a/Feedback.md +++ b/Feedback.md @@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ Your goal is not to do what _you_ think is best, it's to help _others_. This inc ## Giving Feedback - Feedback needs to be informal, frequent, and done authentically. +- Feedback should be offered with a willingness to listen in return. Those giving feedback should also ask for it. - Challenge ideas, not people. Address behavior, but don't label people. - Most feedback you deliver should be positive. This makes the negative feedback more important. - Prepare. What do you value in someone? Where do you think are their biggest opportunities to improve? -- **Keep the feedback actionable, specific, and kind.** +- **Keep the feedback actionable, specific, and kind.** Be as specific as possible and contain concrete suggestions on how to improve. - Imagine what things feel like from the other perspective. - Criticize in private, praise in public. - You can use a [feedback model](https://jacobian.org/2021/apr/22/three-feedback-models/). These are behavioral and impact focused. diff --git a/Open Data.md b/Open Data.md index a2b05bf..000287c 100644 --- a/Open Data.md +++ b/Open Data.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The current landscape has a few problems: Open protocols create open systems. Open code creates tools. **Open data creates open knowledge**. We need better tools, protocols, and mechanisms to improve the Open Data ecosystem. It should be easy to find, download, process, publish, and collaborate on open datasets. -Iterative improvements over public datasets would yield large amounts of value ([Dune did it with blockchain data](https://dune.com/blog/the-community-data-platform))¹. Access to data gives people the opportunity to create new business and make better decisions. Open Source code has made a huge impact in the world. Let's make Open Data do the same! +Iterative improvements over public datasets would yield large amounts of value ([Dune did it with blockchain data](https://dune.com/blog/the-community-data-platform))¹. Access to data gives people the opportunity to create new business and make better decisions. Open Source code has made a huge impact in the world. Let's make Open Data do the same! [Anyone should be able to fork and re-publish fixed, cleaned, reformatted datasets as easily as people fork code](https://juan.benet.ai/blog/2014-02-21-data-management-problems/). ### Why Now? diff --git a/Teamwork.md b/Teamwork.md index a0d597b..6814531 100644 --- a/Teamwork.md +++ b/Teamwork.md @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ - The sheer scale and/or complexity of how things work. There is truly no-one who understands the emergent behavior of the [[Systems|system]]. - E.g: Slow _boiling frog_ situations where existing tools have become ineffective but no one noticed. - [Act as if you might leave on short notice](https://jmmv.dev/2021/04/always-be-quitting.html). Document your knowledge, long-term plans, meetings, train people around you, empower other people, delegate and keep learning! + - Write everything in plain text and in a shared place so is not lost. - You have to put in more effort to make something appear effortless. Effortless, elegant performances are often the result of a large volume of effortful. Praise this instead of complex solutions. - Invisible work will happen. If you're doing it, make an effort to share and get credit for it. Build a narrative (story) for your work. Arm your manager and fight recency bias keeping track of all the things you've done. - As a manager, give problems to solve, not solutions. Make sure the team knows what they're working toward and that it has the resources needed to complete the work. @@ -137,6 +138,23 @@ - One of the most valuable things you can do during onboarding is update/write documentation and [create/update checklist of all the processes](https://lifeitself.org/tao/onboarding#create-an-onboarding-issue). This will help you and your team in the long run. - [Make bite-sized impact, fast](https://stormdata.substack.com/p/reflecting-on-my-impact-during-my). +## [Team Management](http://pnewman.org/engineering_mgmt_checklist.txt) + +- Every member of the team knows what they should be working on. +- Every member of the team knows what to do if they finish a task, or get blocked. +- Every member of the team has had a meaningful career conversation within the last six months. +- Every member of the team receives timely, meaningful, actionable performance feedback. +- Work that needs to get done aligns with work that is rewarded by the promotion process. +- Performance reviews never contain surprises. +- Team members are able to express ideas for new projects or changes to the way the team works. +- The team is able to give input on roadmaps and plans. +- The team is staffed adequately and work is evenly distributed. +- The team, overall, has the level of functional expertise required to do the work, and a reasonable number of stretch goals are available. +- Conflicts are resolved in a fair and respectful way. +- Diversity is represented and embraced; a broad spectrum of views are considered. +- Progress and set backs are regularly communicated to key stakeholders. +- When collaborative projects are completed, credit is shared among the contributors. + ## Links - [Ways of Working](https://github.com/joelparkerhenderson/ways-of-working) - Guidelines that improve teamwork and communication. diff --git a/Web3.md b/Web3.md index 47da524..e5356b6 100644 --- a/Web3.md +++ b/Web3.md @@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ - [The Complete Guide to Full Stack Web3 Development](https://dev.to/dabit3/the-complete-guide-to-full-stack-web3-development-4g74) and the [Web3 stack](https://edgeandnode.com/blog/defining-the-web3-stack). - [Kernel Community](https://kernel.community/en/learn/). - Decentralized friendly and open source alternatives: - - [Trello](https://dework.xyz/). - - [Notion](https://www.clarity.so/). - - [Medium](https://mirror.xyz/dashboard). - - [Search](https://slate.host/). - - [Imgur](https://www.pinata.cloud/). - - [Netlify](https://fleek.co/). - - [Firebase](https://textile.io). - - [Dropbox](https://www.sliksafe.com/). [Another](https://files.chainsafe.io/). - - [Publishing](https://docs.distributed.press/). + - [Trello](https://dework.xyz/) + - [Notion](https://www.clarity.so/) + - [Medium](https://mirror.xyz/dashboard) + - [Search](https://slate.host/) + - [Imgur](https://www.pinata.cloud/) + - [Netlify](https://fleek.co/) + - [Firebase](https://textile.io) + - [Dropbox](https://www.sliksafe.com/). [Another](https://files.chainsafe.io/) + - [Publishing](https://docs.distributed.press/) + - [Git](https://radicle.xyz/) ## Links