diff --git a/Blockchain.md b/Blockchain.md index 4de046d..1f48aa4 100644 --- a/Blockchain.md +++ b/Blockchain.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Blockchain - [A blockchain is a decentralized [[Databases|database]]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBC-nXj3Ng4). - - A blockchain is a worse database. It is slower, requires way more storage and compute, doesn't have customer support, etc. [But has one dimension along which it is radically different. No single entity or small group of entities controls it](https://continuations.com/post/671863718643105792/web3crypto-why-bother). + - A blockchain is a worse database. It is slower, requires way more storage and compute, doesn't have customer support, etc. [But has one dimension along which it is radically different. No single entity or small group of entities controls it](https://continuations.com/web3crypto-why-bother). - Blockchain solve the Byzantine Generals Problem: [How do participants in a decentralized network communicate and coordinate with each other towards some action without relying on a trusted third-party?](https://a16z.com/2019/11/08/crypto-glossary/). - Blockchains are "trustless". There are mechanisms in place by which all parties in the [[Systems|system]] can reach a consensus on what the canonical truth is. - Power and trust is distributed (or shared) among the network's stakeholders (e.g. developers, miners, and consumers), rather than concentrated in a single individual or entity (e.g. banks, governments, and financial institutions). diff --git a/Coordination.md b/Coordination.md index 534c0aa..d084338 100644 --- a/Coordination.md +++ b/Coordination.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - Coordination problems are a [constraint to production of all kinds of economic value](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/P6fSj3t4oApQQTB7E/coordination-as-a-scarce-resource). - All problems are coordination problems. Moloch is at the end of all! - The Second Law of Consulting: No matter how it looks at first, it's always a people problem. -- [Coordination](https://vitalik.ca/general/2020/09/11/coordination.html), the ability for large [[Teamwork|groups of actors to work together]] for their common interest, is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It can be improved in many ways: +- [Coordination](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2020/09/11/coordination.html), the ability for large [[Teamwork|groups of actors to work together]] for their common interest, is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It can be improved in many ways: - Faster spread of information. - Better norms that identify what behaviors are classified as cheating along with more effective punishments. - Stronger and more powerful [[organizations]]. diff --git a/Data/Machine Learning.md b/Data/Machine Learning.md index 8c89df8..25a205a 100644 --- a/Data/Machine Learning.md +++ b/Data/Machine Learning.md @@ -2,14 +2,16 @@ ## Production Project Checklist -1. Frame the problem. Define a clear and concise objective with clear metrics. [Write it as a design doc](https://applyingml.com/resources/ml-design-docs/d). +1. Frame the problem. Define a clear and concise objective with clear metrics. [Write it as a design doc](https://applyingml.com/resources/ml-design-docs/). 1. Get the data. Make the data tidy. Machine learning models are only as reliable as the data used to train them. [The data matters more than the model](https://twitter.com/beeonaposy/status/1353735905962577920). Data matters more than the model. 1. Explore the data. Verify any assumptions. Garbage in, garbage out. 1. Create a model. [Start with the simplest model!](https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/guides/rules-of-ml/). That will be the [baseline model](https://blog.insightdatascience.com/always-start-with-a-stupid-model-no-exceptions-3a22314b9aaa). Evaluate the model with the defined metric. 1. Make sure everything works end to end. _You design it, you train it, you deploy it_. [Deploy the model quickly](https://nlathia.github.io/2019/08/Machine-learning-faster.html) and automatically. Add a clear description of the model. [Monitor model performance in production](https://youtu.be/hqxQO7MoQIE). 1. Make results (models, analysis, graphs, ...) reproducible (code, environment and data). Version your code, data and configuration. Make feature dependencies explicit in the code. Separate code from configuration. 1. Test every part of the system ([ML Test Score](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/aad9f93b86b7addfea4c419b9100c6cdd26cacea.pdf)): data (distributions, unexpected values, biases, ...). -1. Iterate. Deliver value first, then iterate. Go back to the first point and change one thing at a time. Machine Learning progress is nonlinear. It's really hard to tell in advance what's hard and what's easy. [Engineering projects generally move forward, but machine learning projects can completely stall. It's possible, even common, for a week spent on modeling data to result in no improvement whatsoever](https://medium.com/@l2k/why-are-machine-learning-projects-so-hard-to-manage-8e9b9cf49641). Track every experiment you do. [Keep a reverse-time sorted doc where we you bullet points of what ideas you've tried and how they've gone](https://operatorai.substack.com/p/why-do-we-write-machine-learning). Look for data flywheel, harnessing the power of user's generated data to rapidly improve the whole system. These are powerful [[Feedback Loops]]. Attempt a portfolio of approaches. +1. Iterate. Deliver value first, then iterate. Go back to the first point and change one thing at a time. Machine Learning progress is nonlinear. It's really hard to tell in advance what's hard and what's easy. + - [Engineering projects generally move forward, but machine learning projects can completely stall. It's possible, even common, for a week spent on modeling data to result in no improvement whatsoever](https://medium.com/@l2k/why-are-machine-learning-projects-so-hard-to-manage-8e9b9cf49641). + - Track every experiment you do. Keep a reverse-time sorted doc where we you bullet points of what ideas you've tried and how they've gone. Look for data flywheel, harnessing the power of user's generated data to rapidly improve the whole system. These are powerful [[Feedback Loops]]. Attempt a portfolio of approaches. 1. Explain your results in terms your audience cares about. [[Data Culture|Data is only useful as long as it's being used]]. These points are expanded with more details in courses like [Made With ML](https://madewithml.com/). @@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ These points are expanded with more details in courses like [Made With ML](https ### ML In Production Resources -- [Applied ML in Production](https://madewithml.com/courses/applied-ml-in-production/) +- [Applied ML in Production](https://madewithml.com/#course) - [Applied ML](https://github.com/eugeneyan/applied-ml) - Microsoft [ML Model Production Checklist](https://microsoft.github.io/code-with-engineering-playbook/machine-learning/ml-model-checklist/) and [Fundamental Checklist](https://microsoft.github.io/code-with-engineering-playbook/machine-learning/ml-fundamentals-checklist/) - [Engineering best practices for Machine Learning](https://se-ml.github.io/practices/) diff --git a/Dungeons and Dragons.md b/Dungeons and Dragons.md index 39c10b1..2d8f664 100644 --- a/Dungeons and Dragons.md +++ b/Dungeons and Dragons.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Dungeons & Dragons is a cooperative storytelling game that harnesses your imagin - [Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition wiki](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/). - [Dungeons & Dragons Beyond Essentials](https://www.dndbeyond.com/essentials). - [Token Stamp Creator](https://rolladvantage.com/tokenstamp/). -- [Astral](https://www.astraltabletop.com/) - The easiest way to play tabletop role playing games online, free. - [Cyanomys' Guide To Playing RPGs Online](https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Cyanomys-Guide-To-Playing-RPGs-Online-v2.1.0-Ef83ststlhPqW0LELrgye#:h2=Cyanomys%E2%80%99-Guide-To-Playing-RPG). - [5e.tools](https://5e.tools/index.html). - [Procedural Dungeon Generator](https://watabou.itch.io/one-page-dungeon) and other [procedural generators](https://watabou.itch.io/). diff --git a/Politics.md b/Politics.md index 9b88eff..fd4db6a 100644 --- a/Politics.md +++ b/Politics.md @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - [Meritocracy isn't an "-ocracy" like democracy or autocracy, where people in wigs sit down to frame a constitution and decide how things should work. It's a dubious abstraction over the fact that people prefer to have jobs done well rather than poorly, and use their financial and social clout to make this happen](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/book-review-the-cult-of-smart). - [There's an imbalance between doing things and preventing things](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/ezra-klein-on-vetocracy). If a leader does something, and it's bad, then journalists will be on the scene to interview the victims of their failure, protesters can march against their abuses of power, etc. If a leader doesn't do something, and it would have been good, this is invisible except in rare cases. As the media becomes better at covering things, people become more outraged by abuses, we should expect the number of new policies that have large impact to go down. - [[Problem Solving|When you observe or interact with a problem in any way, you can be blamed for it. At the very least, you are to blame for not doing more]]. -- [Processes that create durable change need to be bulldozery toward the status quo but protecting that change requires a vetocracy](https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/12/19/bullveto.html). There's some optimal rate at which such [[processes]] should happen; too much and there's chaos, not enough and there's stagnation. +- [Processes that create durable change need to be bulldozery toward the status quo but protecting that change requires a vetocracy](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2021/12/19/bullveto.html). There's some optimal rate at which such [[processes]] should happen; too much and there's chaos, not enough and there's stagnation. - Your perception of reality has probably been at least a little manipulated. Your opponents are behaving the way they are based on a perception of reality that's different from your own. - What does this look/feel like to the people I don't know? - Everyone belongs to a tribe and underestimates how influential that tribe is on their thinking. Tribes reduce the ability to challenge ideas or diversify your views because no one wants to lose support of the tribe. Tribes are as self-interested as people, encouraging [[ideas]] and narratives that promote their survival. But they're exponentially more influential than any single person. So tribes are very effective at promoting views that aren't analytical or rational, and people loyal to their tribes are very poor at realizing it. @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ - [Charter Cities](https://youtu.be/mSHBma0Ithk). - [Quadratic Voting](http://ericposner.com/quadratic-voting/) and [Quadratic Funding](https://wtfisqf.com/). - - [Online Quadratic Voting](https://quadraticvote.co/). - [Georgism](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/your-book-review-progress-and-poverty). - [Prediction Markets](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/instead-of-pledging-to-change-the) as a tool for accountability. [FAQ](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/prediction-market-faq). - [Pol.is](https://pol.is/home). diff --git a/Problem Solving.md b/Problem Solving.md index c3c2baf..ebfc243 100644 --- a/Problem Solving.md +++ b/Problem Solving.md @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ - If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact - not to be solved, but to be coped with over time. - Sometimes you can find the solution easier if you think about how not to solve the problem ([Inversion Principle](https://www.mymentalmodels.info/mms-inversion/)). - Keep the end goal in mind. [Don't Shave That Yak](https://seths.blog/2005/03/dont_shave_that/)! -- [The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics](https://blog.jaibot.com/the-copenhagen-interpretation-of-ethics/) says that when you observe or interact with a problem in any way, you can be blamed for it. At the very least, you are to blame for not doing _more_. ^ec616e +- [The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics](https://laneless.substack.com/p/the-copenhagen-interpretation-of-ethics) says that when you observe or interact with a problem in any way, you can be blamed for it. At the very least, you are to blame for not doing _more_. ^ec616e - Social problems demand social solutions. Not everything can be solved by technology. E.g: If you're skeptical about Wikipedia, you can easily create your own fork of Wikipedia and improve it. You'll have to deal with the social problems of convincing others to use your fork, etc. ## Five Whys diff --git a/Remote Jobs.md b/Remote Jobs.md index 6412e80..5c198a7 100644 --- a/Remote Jobs.md +++ b/Remote Jobs.md @@ -4,5 +4,3 @@ - [Awesome Remote Job](https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job) - A curated list of awesome remote working resources. - [Remotive](https://remotive.io/) - Hand-screens live remote jobs from remote companies. - [Outer Join](https://outerjoin.us/) - Remote jobs in data science. -- [Quickapply](https://quickapply.io/) - Apply to 80+ internships with one click. -- [Occuply](https://occuply.io/) - Apply to hundreds of jobs without ever answering the same question twice. diff --git a/Trip Planning.md b/Trip Planning.md index df5512c..c87debc 100644 --- a/Trip Planning.md +++ b/Trip Planning.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - Bring card/board games for long travel days. - Search for "Walking" videos (tours) around the destination on YouTube. - Many of the principles of [[Teamwork]] applies to a travel group. Trust people want to have a great trip! -- Learn [how to pack a backpack](https://info.deuter.com/blog/packing-a-backpack). +- Learn [how to pack a backpack](https://australianhiker.com.au/advice/how-to-pack-a-backpack-a-beginners-guide/). ## Things to Pack