diff --git a/Coordination.md b/Coordination.md index 47bdf0c..341e113 100644 --- a/Coordination.md +++ b/Coordination.md @@ -41,3 +41,4 @@ - A way to coordinate without trust is relying on [[Blockchain]] and [[Cryptocurrencies]]. - Coordinating is better than who takes the resources. The more you can coordinate, the more resources you can take ([Paretotopia](https://youtu.be/1lqBra8r468)). Keep this in mind when making decisions and negotiating. - [Ability to coordinate](https://thecompendium.cards/c/coordination-as-form-of-power) is a form of power. +- Explore [Cooperative Governance](https://nadia.xyz/voting) ideas. It offers an elegant compromise between on-chain and off-chain governance: you have a failure outcome that's enforced and "real", but the process of consensus remains firmly in the hands of people. diff --git a/Politics.md b/Politics.md index bb1b736..9694f58 100644 --- a/Politics.md +++ b/Politics.md @@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ - Approval voting is usually a good choice. Is simple to explain and to count, and comprehensibility is an important factor when choosing a voting method. That said, there are [really good alternatives](https://electionscience.github.io/vse-sim/VSEbasic/). - Voting isn't really a way to get rid of conflict - it just pushes it underground. Spend the time [[Talking]] about it. - Pairwise comparison methods can help find consensus by comparing options two at a time. This reduces cognitive load and can reveal subtle preferences that might be missed in traditional voting. [Because each comparison is "local"](https://deepfunding.org/), you never have to answer difficult grand questions like "what are my top 5 projects". Instead, you answer much more concrete questions like "which of these two projects is more important to me?". +- [Voting is a zero-sum game](https://nadia.xyz/voting), meaning that whomever wins does so at the expense of someone else. As a result, voting promotes competition, not cooperation. This issue can be mitigated when: + - The default mode is failure, people are motivated to figure out how to escape their terrible fate. If one person loses, everybody loses. + - There are clear actions, timelines, and consequences. By specifying the outcome beforehand, and making it undesirable, there is no choice but to take action or lose the game. ## Interesting Ideas