A way to keep yourself on track with your [[habits]] is to have a routine.
- Rules. Remind yourself on the current set of rules, constrains, various addictions, time-draining things. E.g. limit social media, do some stretching, ...
- Gratitude. Visualize and [[Meditation|meditate]] on the idea that you might die today.
- Long-term goals and short-term [[goals]]. Review big goals that you would like to achieve in the next years and the short term goals that lead to them that you can act on.
- Visualize the day. Visualize yourself going through the day challenges and wins.
Small lifestyle changes that can lead to large impact:
- Start every day as a producer, not a consumer.
- Stretch each time you stand up.
- Go for small walks after lunch.
- No screens on the bedroom.
- Read one page a day.
- Be specific (time, words, actions).
- Take [[time]] to reflect and make time for ([[mindfulness]]).
- Hike often with friends.
- [[Writing|Write]] more.
- Consume content mindfully.
- Do experiments with life (A/B tests).
- Automate one thing.
- Chat with everyone.
- Actively reach out to friends and family.
- Take notes on everything you learn and share them.
- If it's under an hour, walk.
- Have a day of the week where you list everything that went wrong during the weekend figure out what needs to change.
On the higher level, you can also have an [[Annual Review List]] to remind yourself some cool things!