Tool for predicting network traffic for Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) subject of Master in Cybersecurity at UPC (2022/23)
The "caida-passive-oc48-dataset" folder and the "EWMA.ipynb" file were used for testing, in the first steps of our project. We also did an initial version of the model using a single MAWI dataset ("mawi-dataset" folder). However, this is not the final version.
We can find the required files for the final project in the "python_notebooks" folder.
We have trained the model with MAWI dataset. However, we have tested the precission of the model also with CAIDA dataset. To download the dataset you should follow the next steps:
To generate "time_series_df.csv" dataframe you should follow next steps:
- Install python from:
- Install python requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute "":
$ python
- Execute "":
$ python
To download the MAWI dataset you copy the python notebook located in "python_notebooks" directory to Google Drive. Open "download_mawi_dataset.ipynb" with Google Collab and adjust "date" and "dest_date" parameters to choose the datasets range that will be dowloaded. Specifically, we will use the datasets from every Monday of January 2019 (4 datasets in total).
- PCAP files will be saved in a directory with the following format:
- After that, it will be sampled with pcapsampler by groud GitHub user.
- Sampled pcap files will be parsed to CSV with tshark command line (filtering only tcp packets).
The code is located in "python_notebooks" directory. You should copy "lstm_model.ipynb" notebook to Google Drive. It should be placed in the same folder as where you have downloaded the dataset.
We have loaded the previous downloaded datasets and processed in the following way:
- Dataset reading.
- Dataset adaptation: choosen parameters as window size and interval size.
- Dataset analysis: stadistical analysis of the model.
We have created an LSTM model (lstm_model.ipynb) that will read first n time steps to predict the next one. For that task, we have used well-known maching learning libraries as Keras ans Sklearn.
We have divided the dataset in two parts:
- Training dataset: To train the model. We use the first 3 MAWI datasets.
- Validation dataset: Data to test the performance of the model with unseen data. We use the last MAWI dataset.
We have also tested the model with other datasets. The performance decrease significatly. Therefore, it is necessary to retrain the model, but this process require less effort as the model has been pre-trained (fine-tuning).
To label the dataset we have mesaured the slope between two consecutive points. If this slope is equal or higher than that threshold the point is marked as an detection. We consider that the anomaly could have an error. Then, each anomaly is a range between [detection - error, detection + error].
We calculate the precision, the recall and the F1 score.