Holiday(Hagg/YomTov) Times and Holidays name with HomeAssistant Sensor Custom Component
Guide How to use it Requirements:
all db now downloading to local json file and once a day the db check for change no need anymore for geoid and latitude and longitude . the sensor got it from HA config , so you need to besure that you put them in configuration.yaml . also need the TimeZone see link : Example :
latitude: 32.0667
longitude: 34.7667
time_zone: Asia/Jerusalem
please check it before run it.
Now you need to create folder "holiday" in your HomeAssistant config/custom_components folder Copy python file "" to the HA config ./custom_components/holiday/ folder.
Now you need to add those lines in configuration.yaml :
- platform: holiday
havdalah_calc: 42
time_before_check: 10
time_after_check: 1
- yom_tov_in
- yom_tov_out
- is_yom_tov
- yom_tov_name
- holiday_name
Entity Optional havdalah_calc = By defaule he get 42 Min , you can set 50Min or 72Min for other methods
time_before_check: By defaule he get 10 Min , you can set minutes so the sensor can check if is holiday yomtov
time_after_check: By defaule he get 10 Min , you can set minutes so the sensor can check if holiday yomtov is ends..
in ui-lovelace.yaml :
- id:
type: entities
title: חג / יום טוב
show_header_toggle: false
- sensor.holiday_holiday_name
- sensor.holiday_yom_tov_in
- sensor.holiday_yom_tov_out
- sensor.holiday_yom_tov_name
All sensors icon already set , but you can always customize them.. Good Luck !