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Syllable statistical testing
David Brann edited this page Sep 3, 2019
4 revisions
For comparing significant syllables between experimental conditions, we typically run a z-test on bootstrapped syllable usage distributions (one test per syllable), then correct for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure at a false discovery rate of 5-10%. This procedure is best carried out in a Jupyter notebook.
from moseq2_viz.model.util import parse_model_results
from moseq2_viz.util import parse_index
import numpy as np
#point paths to model and index files
model_file = '/path/to/model/file/file.p'
index_file = '/path/to/index/file/moseq2-index.yaml' #generate using "moseq2-viz generate-index"
#parse index and model results
index, sorted_index = parse_index(index_file)
model_results = parse_model_results(model_file)
#load data to pandas data frame
df = scalars_to_dataframe(sorted_index, include_model = model_file)
#indicate which subject names belong to which experimental group
group1 = ['C57-1_control_2019-01-01',
group2 = ['C57-1_experimental_2019-01-01',
#update df to include group labels for associated subject names
for _id in group1:
df.loc[df.SubjectName==_id, 'group'] = 'group1'
for _id in group2:
df.loc[df.SubjectName==_id, 'group'] = 'group2'
def gi(x):
return ~np.isnan(x).any(tuple(range(1,x.ndim)))
def good(x):
return x[gi(x)]
def calc_label_usage(labels, n_states=None):
usage = np.bincount(np.nan_to_num(good(labels)).astype('int32'), minlength=n_states)
usage = usage / float(usage.sum())
return usage
#N=number of syllables to analyze — typically the number of syllables that account for 90% of all behavior
group1_usages = []
for i in df.SubjectName[df.group == 'group1'].unique():
working_labels = df[df.SubjectName == i]['model_label (sort=frames)']
group2_usages = []
for i in df.SubjectName[df.group == 'group2'].unique():
working_labels = df[df.SubjectName == i]['model_label (sort=frames)']
def bootstrap_group(lst, rng):
return list(rng.choice(len(lst),len(lst),replace=True))
def bootstrap_me(usages, iters=1000):
bootstrap_mean_usages = []
for i in range(iters):
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=i)
temp = []
boot_mice = bootstrap_group(usages, rng)
for mouse in boot_mice:
temp = np.asarray(temp)
return bootstrap_mean_usages
group1_boots = bootstrap_me(group1_usages)
group2_boots = bootstrap_me(group2_usages)
from scipy import stats
def ztest(d1, d2, mu1=None, mu2=None):
mu1 = d1.mean() if mu1 is None else mu1
mu2 = d2.mean() if mu2 is None else mu2
std1, std2 = d1.std(), d2.std()
std = np.sqrt(std1**2 + std2**2)
return np.minimum(1.,2*stats.norm.cdf(-np.abs(mu1 - mu2)/std))
# do a ztest on the bootstrap distributions of your 2 conditions
pvals_ztest_boots = np.array([ztest(group1_boots[:,i], group2_boots[:,i]) for i in range(group1_boots.shape[1])])
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
# significant syllables (relabeled by time used)
np.where(multipletests(pvals_ztest_boots, alpha=0.10, method='fdr_bh')[0])[0]
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