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Spontaneous behaviour is structured by reinforcement without explicit reward



Jeffrey E. Markowitz*1,7, Winthrop Gillis*1, Maya Jay*1, Jeffrey Wood1, Ryley Harris1, Robert Cieszkowski1, Rebecca Scott1, David Brann1, Dorothy Koveal1, Tomasz Kula1, Caleb Weinreb1, Mohammed Abdal Monium Osman1, Sandra Romero Pinto2,3, Naoshige Uchida2,3, Scott W. Linderman4,5, Bernardo L. Sabatini1,6, Sandeep Robert Datta1,#

1Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
3Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
4Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
5Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
6Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States
7Present address: Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University. Atlanta, Georgia, United States

#Corresponding Author *Co-first author


Pre-processing and panel generation is done using Jupyter notebooks. You will need to have Jupyter or Jupyterlab installed on your machine.

Much of the analysis was run on a Google Compute Engine VM with 128 CPUs and 850 GB of RAM. Long-running calculations were run on multiple machines using Slurm GCP .


Installation instructions

  1. (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE CONDA) Install Miniconda on your machine . On linux you can use these commands in the terminal.

     # this example is for linux x86-64
     wget -O ~/
     bash ~/
  2. We typically install jupyterlab in the base environment with nb_conda_kernel

     conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab ipywidgets
     conda install nb_conda_kernels
     # be sure pip install ipykernel in other environments so they're detected by jupyter
  3. Once Miniconda is installed create the environment used for nearly all notebooks in this repository by running from the command line.

     conda create -n spont-da python=3.10
     conda activate spont-da
  4. Install the library needed to run the code by running pip install -e . while in the spont-da environment.

  5. You will also want to install the environments specified in hekcell.yaml, mousert-gpu.yaml and moseqdistance.yaml. Notebooks with these files in square brackets indicate that you need to run the notebook in that environment. The top line in each file contains the command you need to install it.


How to obtain data.

  1. Download data from Zenodo here DOI. You should see the following.

     ├── dlight_intermediate_results
     │   ├── lagged_analysis_session_bins.toml
     │   ├── syllable_stats_photometry_offline.toml
     │   └── syllable_stats_photometry_online.toml
     ├── dlight_raw_data
     │   ├── dlight_photometry_processed_full.toml
     │   └── dlight_photometry_processed_full_transfer.parquet
     ├── misc_intermediate_results
     │   └── autoencoder_characterization.parquet
     ├── misc_raw_data
     │   ├── autoencoder_test_data.h5
     │   ├── f1_scores_estimates_actual_calls.parquet
     │   ├── latencies_stim.parquet
     │   ├── latencies_stim_arduino_test.dat
     │   └── spinograms.p
     ├── optoda_intermediate_results
     │   ├── behavior_classes.toml
     │   ├── behavioral-distance.parquet
     │   ├── closed_loop_learners.toml
     │   ├── da-vs-learning-per-syllable.parquet
     │   ├── joint_syllable_map.toml
     │   ├── syllable_stats_offline.toml
     │   └── syllable_stats_online.toml
     ├── optoda_raw_data
     │   ├── closed_loop_behavior_transfer.parquet
     │   ├── closed_loop_behavior_velocity_conditioned.parquet
     │   ├── closed_loop_behavior_with_simulated_triggers_transfer.parquet
     │   ├── learning_aggregate.parquet
     │   ├── learning_timecourse_binsize-30.parquet
     │   ├── learning_timecourse_processed.parquet
     │   └── learning_timecourse_processed_summary.parquet
     ├── rl_intermediate_results
     │   ├── rl_model_heldout_results_best_lag_rands.p
     │   ├── rl_model_heldout_results_best_lag_rands.parquet
     │   ├── rl_model_heldout_results_lags.p
     │   ├── rl_model_heldout_results_lags.parquet
     │   ├── rl_model_parameters.toml
     │   └── rl_model_stats.toml
     └── rl_raw_data
     	├── rl_modeling_dlight_data_offline.parquet
     	└── rl_modeling_dlight_data_online.parquet
  2. This contains everything you need to run the preprocessing and analysis notebooks.

  3. Specific data formats were used to reduce file size for storage on Zenodo (brotli compression level 9). You will want to convert these files into formats that enable fast processing (snappy-compressed). This is done by running _reformat_zenodo_downloads.ipynb.

  4. Some files and folders have been compressed as tarballs. Prior to running any other notebooks run the following from the directory where you downloaded the dataset.

     find . -type f -name *.tar.gz -execdir tar -xvf {} \;


  1. First, open analysis_configuration.toml and alter the file paths in [raw_data] and [intermediate_resluts] to reflect where you downloaded the data. [figures.store_dir] is where panels will be saved when generated.
  2. Next, you will need to run all preprocessing notebooks found in notebooks_preprocessing.
    1. (If you skipped this step above) run _reformat_zenodo_downloads.ipynb.
    2. Start with dlight_00-14. Note you can skip 13-14, the results of the RL model grid search and fit are included in this dataset. You can recompute if you like.
    3. Next run behavior_00-03.
  3. Note that some notebooks will need to be run multiple times with different settings (e.g. to perform analysis from separate datasets or with different settings). This is mentioned in each notebook where relevant.
  4. With all of the intermediate data generated you can generate individual panels by running notebooks in notebooks_panels.


  1. If you get a no space left on device error during a long-running multi-processing calculation via Joblib this is likely due to /dev/shm filling up on a Linux system. A simple fix is to set import tempfile; temp_folder=tempfile.gettempdir() in your Parallel call. This can also be set via the JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER environment variable. In the bash environment you are running Jupyter from set export JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER=/tmp. Or in your notebook import os; os.environ['JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER'] = '/tmp'
  2. If your kernel dies while attempting to run _reformat_zenodo_downloads.ipynb, make sure you're running the notebook on a machine with at least 160GB of memory, as one of the data files (optoda_raw_data/closed_loop_behavior_transfer.parquet) uses that much memory to load. This preprocessing step reduces the amount of memory you need to run many of the subsequent figure generating notebooks. However, there may be a few notebooks that require more memory.
  3. Please submit an issue if you experience problems running the code.