- this definition creates a virtualbox machine with a pre-installed and fundamental configured debian 8 amd64.
vagrant >= 1.1.0 (vagrantup.com)
packer >= 0.2 (packer.io)
a current debian iso if packer can not find the iso you have to look at the release database to find the current release. then you have to adapt the iso version and md5 hash.
- only minimal package set plus openssh, git and chef(optional).
- users root and vagrant, both with password vagrant, (insecure) ssh-key is imported!!!!!
- passwordless sudo is enabled for vagrant user
- for virtualbox the specific guest-tools will be installed
- install packer from http://packer.io
- do:
packer validate template/debian/debian.json
packer build template/debian/debian.json
- wait until your machine is ready for "vagrant up"
- add the builded box from output dir to vagrant with: $ vagrant box add yourBoxName ./output/virtualbox/yourBoxName.box
- AND its done!
http/preseed.cfg is used to automate the debian installer scripts/* includes shell provisioner scripts
- *.json is the config for packer, consult packer documentation
- http/preseed.cfg is used to automate the debian installer
- scripts/* includes a bunch of shell scripts to on/off install packages, add users etc.. Use it to do only the absolutly basic things. all other configurations should be done by other provisioners like chef or ansible.
make http(preseed.cfg) relative to template. at the moment the http dir has to be relativ to the packer command -> hashicorp/packer#193 -> solved by hashicorp/packer#2151 but not implemented yet
add other users and ssh-keys