File storage and merge with Rumpel
What's New in Version 2.3.0
- HAT Access Logged in a table for audit and system apis
- Adds "System Status" APIs for user to query last logins, share of storage used
- Able to store files, including photos
- Merges Rumpel into the core HAT to be served directly
- File management based on AWS S3 for backing storage and scalable I/O
Besides these, there were performance improvements
- Improved PHATA UI - to bring PHATA, and other launch items into Rumpel, to improve UX as just "using HAT" without too many products / services in their mind.
- Adds password strength checking based on (zxcvbn)[]
- Adds password management APIs for co-hosted UI to use
- When changing password, an email must be sent to confirm that the password has been changed. In case some of us have forgotten which email was being used.
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