🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalité
base-mongo-repo: add findOne methode to get existing files
geographical-categories: add setup and repository
geographical-categories: add wikidata to queries
geographical-categories: Script to init / import greographical regions
geographical-categories: Add departments
geographical-categories: Add parent
geographical-categories: Return parent of a geographical category
geographical-categories: Return children of a geographical category
geographical-categories: Return children of a geographical category /2
script: add script to reset localisations status if date passed
ci: Change Mattermost notification channel
task: add new task for structure identifiers and a new route for identifiers
weblinks: add weblinks route and documentation
jobs: add prizes jobs to creat dataset
structures: Can not add identifier to a structure if a same typ… (#116 by annelhote )
social-media: Add Bluesky and Mastodon
🐛 Réparation de bug
official-texts: Exclude "users" from types searched by default in autocomplete endpoint
official-texts: Exclude users from types searched by default in autocomplete endpoint /2
identifiers: add Crunchbase, EU Transparency, HATVP, Crossref funder ID, dealroom as new identifiers for structures
prizes: allow relations between prizes/categories/structure in payload for bulkimport and change middleware
localisations: update regexp for phone numbers in localisations
cd: Ignore Mac Files
identifiers: delete crossrefFunderId from api -> fundref is the same
officialtext: update official text middlewares to throw error if jorftext already existe
users-admin-query: update lookup
officialtext: update validatePayload, check if jorftext does already exists
identifiers-types: add piaweb for structures and projects identifiers
config: Update Staging API URL
geographical-categories: update get route for exception and geographical categories
geographical-categories: add index for elastic on post route, type geographical in allowedType and fix tasker
geographical-categories: get only current localisation on structure from geo categories
geographical-categories: typo
geographical-categories: update json assert
geographical-categories: update files names
geographical-categories: Switch datasource for French regions
geographical-categories: Improve the way to match geojsons
geographical-categories: Add COM
geographical-categories: Add COM files
geographical-categories: Set "isDeleted" to false by default
ci: Regenerate package-lock.json file
ci: Add missing file for OpenAPI
ci: Restore pizes tests
tests: fix officialtexts test
ci: fix prize test issue
ci: Add data folder for scripts
geographical-categories: Return children of a geographical category /3
bulk-import: add middlewares for bulk-import terms and add rncp as a identifier for terms
test: fix unit test of terms
geographical-categories: Filter not recognized countries
openapi: add query to parameters
geographical-categories: Remove geometry while retrieving a list of geographical categories
geographical-categories: Remove geometry while retrieving a list of geographical categories /2
geographical-categories: Remove geometry while retrieving a list of geographical categories /3
structure: add parent to bulk-import
geographicalcategories: change query for light query to get categories
identifiers: add googleScholar as new identifiers for structure and persons
geographical-categories: update elastic query to get more info
structure: add rechercheData and datawahouse as new identifiers
geographical-categories: add groups to queries
scripts: add close client to stop script
geographical-categories: if France, we don't send coordinates because too heavy
search: Replace "_" by " "
geographical-categories: update middleware and add yml file for openapi, add limit and skip
openapi: Add missing OpenAPI tags
openapi: Rename Geographical exceptions
openapi: Rename "Termes" into "Terms"
openapi: Uniformize
jobs: Delete duplicated job
api: Support filters in structures from a geographical category
geographical-categories: Add sort to enable pagination without duplicates
geographical-categories: Return structures creation dates to enable default sort
geographical-categories: Support sort param while listing structures from a geographical category
task: add task for persons's identifiers and add new dataset to routes
bulk-import: add crunbash and dealroom id to payload
opendata: add internal_id to dataset
identifiers: add documentation to identifiers route
doc: add enums of types for identifiers route
identifiers & weblinks: update route, avoid error 500 from server
geograpical-categories: fix geographical-categories query, add isdeleted
geograpical-categories: fix geographical-categories query, add isdeleted
weblinks: add new task for weblinks
identifiers: add open alex as new identifiers for structures
ci/cd: Upgrade the Github Workflow actions
identifiers: add openalex id for terms and persons
filters: correct mongo syntax for arrays
ci/cd: Improve Github workflows
auth: Due to an upgrade of OVH and the managed Mongo Service
ci/cd: Switch from "docker-compose" to "docker compose"
localisation: add projection to listcategories
ci: update mongo version to 6
ci: update docker-compose and mongo logs
ci/cd: Update the way to retrieve last tag in github workflow
ci/cd: Update the way to retrieve last tag in github workflow /2
search: delete from search and add inseeCode for relation type research
structures: Current name can to be in the future
structures: Current name can to be in the future /2
structures: Current name can to be in the future /3
structures: Current name can to be in the future /4
structures: Current name can to be in the future /5
structures: Current name can to be in the future /6
rename "syncronize" into "synchronize"
You can’t perform that action at this time.