Due: 31.01.2021
The project is canceled for an indefinite period of time
Schwurbelwatch is a telegram channel monitoring system for known german telegram conspiracy theory channels.
It analyzes the channels in terms of deletion behavior (which messages are deleted when) and on user behavior (different bubbles / bots).
It looks whether a pattern is recognizable, or whether there are similarities between the channels (always the same members, how is information scattered etc.).
- (for providing the main telegram api, saving messages, ...)
NodeJS (Internal / External Api)
- (connection between message-crawler / frontend <-> database)
- (For internal tools
- and data analysis)
-- ToDo locked. See GitHub Projects --
- Domain aliases for
- Build .so telegram client file to run this on a linux server
- Setup CDN for files (& auto download them if <= x MB)
-- ToDo locked. See GitHub Projects --